Kounaro Keo Prayer Letter:  Grandma Got Saved!“Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings.” (Psalm 17:8)

We call her “Grandma.” She is 78 years old. Her son got saved about 10 years ago. He lives in the city, and his mother lives in the village. She had attended our services many times but still had not gotten saved. Her son had tried to witness to her many times, but each time she said, “No.” She knew that Jesus Christ is the true living God. Her excuse was always this: What will my friends in the village say if I believe in Jesus? I will be ostracized. They will not let me bury my body in the temple, and no one will come to my funeral. These are the common excuses we hear from many older folks here who do not want to get saved. To them, they are real reasons, but to us, they are just excuses. But, praise the Lord, on the way to preach at her village a few weeks ago, she said to her son, “I am ready to get saved now.” My wife had the privilege of leading her to the Lord.

During the past two months, we have had 5 adults and 2 boys saved.

Thank you for your support and prayers. May God bless you.

Prayer Requests

1. Wisdom
2. My wife’s health – TMJ (not healed but better) and glaucoma
3. Homeschooling our children

For Christ’s sake,

Kounaro, Chorvy, Kimberlee, Priscilla, Christina, & Jonathan Keo