Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter:  Looking Back--Looking AheadI hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year. We are thankful to be starting off a new year partnered with you to reach the world for Christ. Here is a list of some of last year’s highlights:

1 new church was planted in Monteros with Pastor Larry Owens.

169 persons were saved out soul winning.

157 Bibles were given out.

• Over 30,000 tracts were distributed.

• Many were given the assurance of salvation, and many decisions were made after the services.

• Several smaller churches were encouraged by our soul-winning/preaching campaigns and financial help.

As I meditated on the past year, the Lord brought to my memory something that happened around 15 years ago. One afternoon in the factory where I worked, I witnessed to a man named Alan. He didn’t receive Christ. The next day at work, he approached me and said, “On the way home last night, I thought about what you shared with me from the Bible, and I stopped my car and received the free gift of eternal life.” It is evident that, as we depend on the Holy Spirit, we know He is doing so much more than we can see or imagine. Some fruit we see here, and some we will see in Heaven. Only Heaven will reveal what we’ve really done for His glory. Until that day, we thankfully labor with you for Him and for His glory.

Please continue to pray for our health and safety. There is always plenty to do here, so pray that we will stay in the center of His will as we choose where to be good stewards with the time and resources He has entrusted to us.

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson