Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter:  Giving the GiftI always look forward to writing the monthly prayer letter because it’s a wonderful opportunity to tell you how thankful we are to be in the Lord’s work with you. I hope you find your ministry as rewarding as we do ours.

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to saying September 21st is the first day of spring. It’s so confusing that sometimes I have to think to myself, What month is it? Susie has the same problem. We are one flesh for sure!

I hope we never get used to the surprises from the Lord in our daily lives. One day while drinking a cup of coffee at a sidewalk coffee shop, we were approached by a young man named Hector. He had a bag in his hand, so I knew he was selling something. I asked Hector if he was selling for himself or for a charity. He said that he was selling for himself, and I invited him to sit down. After finding out his spiritual condition, I shared Christ with him from the Bible. He had a few questions, which the Bible so perfectly explained. What a joy it was to give Hector the Gospel of our Lord. Hector was selling trash bags, and Christ was giving eternal life. We gave Hector a Bible, and he walked off. We haven’t seen him at the church, but one day we will see him in Heaven.

It has been a tough month with regard to our health, as Susie lost her voice and had sinus problems, and at this moment, I’m in the middle of a 21-day treatment for sinus problems. Also, for over 3 weeks, I’ve had a headache that gets stronger as the day progresses. We are so thankful for your prayers.

We are still waiting for the land to be donated in Mendoza so we can start a new church. Please pray for the paperwork to go through and for our health.

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson