Scott Christiansen Prayer Letter:  Deliverance

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19)

In the past two months, we’ve been encouraged with spiritual victories, but we have also had to face the afflictions the Lord allows to come into our lives.

We have been encouraged with increasing numbers of our church family coming out for soul winning. On our Thursday evening and Saturday morning soul-winning times, we have seen as many as 71 soul winners going out. We have had encouraging results, including one Saturday in March when we had 165 saved. Our church attendance and baptisms are up, and we are encouraged to see what the Lord is doing in our midst.

But, as you know, when God is at work, the Devil is also trying to hinder. One teen boy in our youth group, who wants to go to Bible college, had his father pass away in his sleep. Praise God! One of our church men had led him to Christ a short time ago. Another lady in our church, who has nine children, also lost her husband when he passed away in his sleep. In March, on the 2nd anniversary of my wife’s Homegoing, I received word that my son Amos in Maine was involved in a serious car accident. He was taken by air-ambulance to a hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. He is now doing well and should be able to return to work in six weeks. God is good!

God continues to arrange divine appointments as we reach out with the Gospel. Pastor Randy DeMoville met a young man from India who is here to train as an airplane pilot. Since leading “Paul” to the Lord, he has been attending and loves the friendliness of our people. One of our staff ladies met a young couple on vacation from France who gladly listened to the Gospel and with tears trusted Christ. During “Holy Week” leading up to Easter, I was able to lead Peter and Flores to Christ, a couple dating in a park on a Thursday evening. On Saturday morning, I met Chill Chill, a sweet young lady, and told her the real meaning of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. She trusted Christ and thanked me for sharing the Gospel with her.

On Easter Sunday we had 355 in attendance on Sunday morning, with 11 baptized. Our teen Sunday school class, taught by Pastor DeMoville, has grown to over 70 in attendance, and they are making important decisions about serving God. Please continue to pray for us as we overcome obstacles and afflictions to reach more souls for Christ and train future full-time Christian leaders in our Bible college. Thank you for your faithful support and encouraging notes that make it possible to serve our risen Saviour here in Dumaguete City.

Yours for the souls of men,

Scott Christiansen

What is left of Amos’ car in Maine – God delivered him!