Angel Lopez Prayer Letter:  Thou God Seest Me“. . . Thou God seest me . . . .” (Genesis 16:13)  I want to thank God for His wonderful provision during the past year of 2017. Thank you also, brothers and sisters, for your prayers and consistent financial support. Thank you especially for the Christmas offerings and wonderful notes of encouragement that were emailed to us last month. Those could not have come at a better time.


One of our church members, Hector Torres, who is a professional construction worker, sold a possession; and with part of the money, he sent a team of construction workers to finish the exterior of our Cristo Rey building. We thank God for what HE put into the heart of this faithful church member.


For almost six years, I have been praying for a safe house to live in here. Now GOD has answered that prayer with money which came from right here in Guatemala. The house is nearly finished. Thank GOD for His blessings!


We are happy to report that God is prospering the Baptist work in the town of Santa Catarina Pinula, which became independent a year ago. The church there is growing and has moved to a new location. We praise God for this wonderful report. Please continue to pray for this work and for its pastor, Melvin Madrid, and his family.


I would like to say thank you for your prayers for the people of this town. We will be making another attendance push there later on this year—to be announced.


My daughter Tabitha Daniela, who got married last year, suddenly became ill. Her husband Steven took her to the hospital, and they discovered she’d had a minor stroke. The doctors sent her home yesterday afternoon. Praise the LORD! There is no need for surgery now. She is on medication that will keep her from having more problems. She will have more examinations done every three months. Thank you for your prayers and concern. We appreciate all of the care and support we have received through all of this. May the Lord bless all of you.

We love you all.

In Christ,

Angel Lopez and Family