Simeon and Susie Hudson Prayer Letter: Let the Children ComeWe want to thank you for your support of the ministry here in Argentina. At this moment, we are praying about two other ministries to help. There is always more to do, and we want to follow His will and bring Him the most glory.

One day out soul winning, I was really reminded of the words of Jesus when He said, “. . . Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” After I shared the Gospel with the adult of the group and four young girls, ages 10 –13, I asked the adult, “Do you want to receive Jesus as your personal Saviour?” He said “No” and walked back into the house. I then asked the girls one by one, and each one sweetly said “Yes.” I don’t know, but maybe if someone had shared Jesus with Alejandro when he was a teenager, he would now be a child of God.

Since last month’s prayer letter, Susie has had a root canal. She seems to be doing well. As the faithful readers of our prayer letters know, I’ve had many problems with my back this year. While out soul winning on August 31, 2021, I started limping, and my right foot became very cold. I woke up today and could barely get out of bed. It reminds me of a herniated disc I had in 1998. I didn’t have surgery then, and I’m wondering if it is degenerating. If it doesn’t get better soon, I’ll have to have it checked out. Be in prayer for this because only emergency surgeries are done here because of COVID. I still have not had my trigger-finger surgery.

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson