Darrell Ratcliff Prayer Letter:  A Great Evangelistic Opportunity!Season’s greetings from our family to yours! The Bible says, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” The greatest gift that has ever been given was the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was born, died, and rose again so that we could go to Heaven. What a privilege we have to declare this message to the world!

Recently we had a wonderful privilege to proclaim this glorious Gospel message in Guadalajara. I worked with two different churches in different parts of the city. We preached the Gospel to over 1,800 people, with around 1,116 people trusting Christ as their Saviour. To God be all the glory!

My heart is truly burdened and stirred to reach the masses for Christ. Jesus has commanded us, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” In previous prayer letters, I have asked for you to join with me in prayer and pray that the Lord would raise up more fiery evangelists to take the Gospel of Christ to the Spanish world and, for that matter, to the whole world. So I am in the process of preparing a school of evangelism that I believe can help us to impact this world for the Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to prepare around 100 instructive and inspiring lessons that could be in video and audio form. This is exciting because people could possibly take the lessons by internet or use this material in Sunday school classes, Bible colleges or institutes, etc. I would also like to put together some helpful manuals and books to help people in evangelism. The great news is that I already have the raw material with the sermons prepared, but I just need to finish the recording and work on the process of editing, duplicating, printing, packaging, and distributing this evangelistic material. I would ask that you would fervently pray for power, love, wisdom, guidance, direction, the finances needed, and just the blessings of God for us to accomplish this great task for the Lord.

I would also ask you to pray for us, as we are in the process of getting our permanent visas to be in Mexico. Because of this, we may need to sell a vehicle we have and buy another one, as well as take care of many other situations. So please continue to pray for God’s power, protection, and provision for our family and ministry; and pray that God would use us in a greater way to see souls saved and lives changed.

My friends, we are so grateful for all your love, prayers, and support that are helping us to reach precious souls for Christ. May God richly bless you! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sincerely in Christ,

Darrell, Buffy, and Michael