Wes Palla Prayer Letter: God's Blessings in the MidstThank you so much for praying for us and for supporting this ministry. It has been an interesting few weeks here in Guarulhos. Even in a difficult situation, though, it is possible to see God’s blessing and working. Here are a few examples:

A month ago, our car was totaled while Cynthia was driving with the girls to church. An inattentive driver T-boned her, whereupon she lost control of the vehicle and hit a telephone pole. The following week, our church van had a piston and piston ring go into early retirement, which, as some of you know, caused extensive damage to the engine.

On their own, those bits of news would seem to be a downer, but praise the Lord for His goodness! Cynthia and the girls all had seatbelts on in the accident and were all completely fine—nary a scratch. When the van went down, church members volunteered to pick people up for all services. We have had new people getting involved in getting folks to church, and we now have two men who are almost entirely responsible for the van-route families getting picked up. These events have brought growth and God’s blessing to the work here, so we praise Him for using every event for our good.

Cynthia recently took a group of our ladies to a Ladies’ Conference in a nearby city, and it was a help to all. We have had two young people and a married couple complete our discipleship program, and we have the aforementioned men working on the van route picking people up. We praise the Lord for souls saved while out soul winning and for new families attending church. This is fruit to your account!

I would like to mention that we will be spending some time in the States later this year and the first part of 2020, visiting churches and sharing some exciting future ministry opportunities that God is bringing about. Please pray for the church here in Guarulhos to continue to grow and reach more souls. Please pray for our family and for some upcoming big days on our church calendar. May souls be saved, families restored, and lives transformed by the power of the Gospel. Thank you again for loving us, praying for us, and supporting us.

Declaring His glory,

Wes Palla
Psalm 96:3