Ricardo and Maria Leyva Prayer Letter: Gospel Connection from the U.S. to Israel to Cuba!Unusually Early Summer

It is been a very hot summer all over the planet, and it has been hot in Cuba so far too. What is unusual this year is that the hotter days started too early. Way back in April, we started having very hot summer days. The church has no air conditioning, only fans; but, thank God, the people continue to be faithful to the church services.

Power Outages!

Cubans who go to any kind of church are accustomed to a Sunday night service time of 7:30. Lately, we had been having power blackouts in the evenings. Churches of other denominations in the city have cancelled their Sunday evening services. My Cuban partner in the ministry and I agreed to change the Sunday evening service time to 6:00 since by the time we are finished, around 7:30 to 8:00, it is still light outside. That way we would not need the electricity if or when there is a power blackout, although we still need the electricity for the fans.

Power outages all over the world resemble the spiritual darkness in which the world is living today! “Then spake Jesus again unto them,
saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

The Gospel Connection from the USA to Israel to Cuba!

One of my supporting churches sent a missionary to the Jews. While in Israel, he and his wife met a Christian man there, and they became good friends. The man has a lady relative in Cuba with whom he stays in contact regularly. So, the missionary emailed me, asking me if I could make a visit to the lady and check on her salvation.

The lady lives in Havana, four hours away from where my work in Cuba is. However, I do visit Havana three to four times a year. So, when the time came to visit Havana again, I made the visit. When I knocked on her door and she opened it, she said, “Who are you?” I immediately told her of her relative in Israel who gave me her name and address. She was surprised and asked me to come in. After a short talk, I explained the Gospel to her and then asked her, “Did you understand?” She said, “Yes!” I asked her again, “Do you want to be saved?” She said, “YES!” She bowed her head, closed her eyes, and asked Jesus to saved her! Amen!

Please continue to pray for:

1. Power for soul winning!
2. Our finances.
3. Our health.

In His service,

Ricardo Leyva