Mshama and Martha Kinyonga Prayer Letter: Amazing Things Happening in Tanzania!We are reminded of the goodness of God, as found in Psalm 107:15—“Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” God has been so good to us. We are grateful for how He has provided for our needs, both physically and spiritually. Thank you for taking your time and reading our update letter.

Cancer Update

Martha has recovered well from surgery. After ten weeks, the doctors gave her the clearance, on the surgical side, to go back to normal activities. Everything healed perfectly. They did dissect the tumor, and the pathologist said that the ten rounds of chemotherapy had not shrunk the tumor at all, just changed its shape. Apparently, the tumor “shell” is a thick and hard one. They sent out more tests to see if the cancer had spread anywhere else, and they found it in the tissues, in a few lymph nodes, and in the liver. They would like her to do three more months of chemotherapy and then re-scan to see if there is any more cancer. Then they want her to repeat the process. She has a doctor’s appointment on May 2 for an ultrasound of the liver. Please pray with us that when they go to do that scan, the tumor on the liver would be completely gone. We know that God can do anything!!!! Jehovah Rapha—the God Who heals! Please pray also, as we are praying about a treatment plan. We feel the Lord is leading us in a different way other than chemotherapy, a more natural way with minerals and such.


I had the opportunity to travel to four churches during these past two months. Many of them were for Missions Conferences. It is encouraging to see folks who still love souls and are doing right. I was so encouraged with the outpouring of love for my family and me. It is truly an honor to travel to these great churches.

We have had some amazing new things happen in Tanzania these past months. It always encourages me that God is faithful in all things, and He can “juggle,” if you will, so many things at the same time. I was able to go to Tanzania for one month. The ministry is still going strong, and God is still interested in souls being saved. We had a group of five men from one of our supporting churches in Wisconsin come and help us out. They were a tremendous blessing to our church folks in preaching, teaching, and helping us build a Teen Center/Fellowship Hall. We also had our one-day VBS with 1,500 kids—our biggest ever. I was so grateful for the extra hands. Over 200 trusted in Christ, and the next day, 500 of them returned. The church has been averaging 370 these past few months, with visitors getting saved and baptized each week. Please pray that people will continue to be strong in the Lord. The Devil is fighting hard to destroy anything that God is doing anywhere.


We want to take a moment and thank all of you for your continued support, both financially and prayerfully. We covet your prayers and are truly grateful for your faithfulness to the Lord and this ministry here in Tanzania. We appreciate all the calls, cards, texts, etc. Please know that we are still praying that God will continue to bless you all and your ministries. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We would be more than willing to answer them.

For His glory,

Mshama, Martha, Esther, Benjamin, Rachel, & Sarah Kinyonga