Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: Special NeedGreetings from the Middle East. God has been abundantly good to our family through your prayers and support. Every day for a week, our family prays for a specific church, which my son chooses. Before the end of the year, we will have covered all of our supporting churches in prayer. This prayer letter is sent early as a special request, asking prayer for a particular matter. I still plan to send a bimonthly report in January to share with you what God has been doing these past two months.

As Paul requested money for the poor saints in Jerusalem, I am likewise requesting prayer and financial support for a Christian friend who has a need. He currently lives in the country where we serve but is native to a neighboring country. He is suffering from a hernia and was told he needs surgery. The cheapest option is to fly to his native country and have the surgery there. The surgery itself will cost $2,500. I am planning to give $1,000 of my own money and praying that God will supply their needs without having to deplete all of their savings. They are a good Christian family who love the Lord and serve Him faithfully. All of the money that comes in will go directly to their family. I am hoping to raise at least $4,000 so that the entire family can travel. Surgery here would cost $7,000; therefore, it is cheaper to fly his family and have the surgery elsewhere.

If you feel led to give financially, please let me know as soon as possible. I will let you know if any more money is needed. They are leaving January 25, and his surgery is on the 29th. Please pray for God’s grace, as it is extremely painful for him. Pray also that God would provide a suitable and stable job. Our request is that God would move them closer to our city.

Missionary #6506