James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: 20,000 Miles in Two Weeks!I am very thankful for the 27 years God has given me to serve Him in this ministry of missionary evangelism. During March, I was able to go to the Servants’ Conference held at the great First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana. Upon arriving back home, I quickly prepared for my trip to the Philippines.

My first stop was to preach at a Family Camp in the Pampanga region. Nicko Sapnu met me last year while I was preaching in Lapu-Lapu City and invited me to this Family Camp. They treated me royally, and I had great liberty as I preached four messages between Wednesday and Friday.

From Pampanga, I flew down to Tacloban, the city noted for the arrival of Douglas MacArthur and the Americans during World War II. This was the fulfillment of his promise to return to liberate the Philippines from the Japanese. I preached for Missionary Parish Javier. It was a blessing to meet him, his wife Arlene, and their three daughters. Their church family did a wonderful job of preparing for the Resurrection service.

I then flew down to be with a couple of missionaries in the town of Daraga. I am withholding the names of these missionaries because of safety concerns for one of the families. I want to honor their request for privacy. However, I can say it was a blessing to be able to talk with the students at their school. They honored me with many notes expressing their appreciation of my visiting their school. They had many intelligent questions.

My next stop was to be with Missionary Mike Morrissey and his family in the city of Dapitan. Mike was in Dumaguete with a team of missionaries and then followed God’s leading to start a church in this city located on the island of Mindanao. God has recently miraculously provided a new piece of property for their ministry, and Mike has a great vision for his church. What a blessing it was to be around this man of God who has an emphasis on the linguistics of the local language.

My last stop on this trip was to take a boat ride to the city of Dumaguete, where I ministered at the International Baptist Church with Missionary Randy DeMoville and his family. During my 3 days there, I was able to speak on the radio, speak to the married couples, and preach in the Sunday services. I cannot thank you enough for praying. I traveled a total of 20,000 miles on 12 flights and 1 boat ride to 6 locations in 2 weeks. I saw at least 6 saved and baptized. God is good! THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!

Your servant,

Missionary Evangelist James Belisle