Darrell and Buffy Ratcliff Prayer Letter: Great Spring Evangelistic Campaigns!Thank you so much for all your love, prayers, and support that are helping us to reach precious souls with the Gospel.

Praise the Lord! We were able to hold an evangelistic campaign in Morelia, Michoacán. Around 360 people heard the Gospel, with around 300 of them receiving Christ as Saviour. On Sunday morning, there were 35 visitors, and there were 11 baptisms during the campaign. Then in Leon, we were able to preach the Gospel to around 200 people, with the majority of them also receiving Christ.

One day after an evangelistic event in Leon, my wife and son hadn’t gotten to share the Gospel that day, so we went out and did some personal soul winning. My son witnessed several times and got to win 9 precious souls to the Lord. My wife got to witness as well and was able to win Claudia, Jonathan, Jessica, and Bacilio to the Lord.

In Monterrey, we helped a church we have helped for many years to do an evangelistic outreach. We had different teams with workers announcing with megaphones. Some were dressed up in different kinds of costumes. The teams did evangelistic Bible Clubs about three times every day during the week. We had what they called a Lluvia de Dulces (“Candy Rain”), where we threw candy up in the air. The candy rained down on the kids, and they scrambled to grab all they could. We were able to preach the Gospel to around 1,300 people, with the majority of them indicating that they were receiving Christ as their Saviour. On Sunday morning, the promotion was all kinds of different foods – pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, and cotton candy, plus sodas, desserts, etc. The Lord blessed, and hundreds and hundreds of visitors came to the church!

We are so excited about the opportunities that God has given us to teach and train God’s people to take the Gospel to the lost. Many pastors, churches, and individuals are taking advantage of the books and other material and also our website, PredicaACristo.com, to learn, grow, and be more effective in sharing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with their families, friends, and others. Please pray that God would continue to use these resources to instruct, equip, and help God’s servants to spread the Gospel of Christ here in Mexico and around the world.

Please pray fervently for our upcoming evangelistic campaigns in the following months. For instance, this summer we will be taking groups of young people to do evangelistic outreaches in Cuernavaca, Guadalajara, and Irapuato. So, we need your prayers in regards to the preparation of all the details, provision for the many needs, and, most importantly, the power of God so we can reach a great harvest of souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much again for all your love, prayers, and support. Your investment is helping us to reach precious men, women, boys, and girls with the glorious Gospel of Christ.

Yours for souls,

Darrell Ratcliff
Philippians 4:13