Caleb and Abby Amoros Prayer Letter: Beginning Our Deputation JourneyIt is very special and meaningful to be writing our first missionary letter. To say that the Lord has been faithful and good to us these last few months is an understatement! Starting with His providential protection in our travels, opening doors in our new deputation journey, and allowing me to preach the Gospel in three different countries, the least we can say is, “God is good!” Thank you for having such a special part in the early foundation of our missionary evangelistic ministry! You hold a special place in our family’s heart.

Even though the focus and heartbeat of our ministry is serving missionaries overseas, it is always special when the Lord opens a Gospel door and leads us to serve leaders Stateside. In November, we had the great opportunity to take a group of college men to help Pastor Joseph Diaz in the launch of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Fullerton, California. There is such a critical need for the Gospel and churches in California, and we were humbled to make an investment in this part of our country. God allowed us to see 16 souls trust Christ as their Saviour and canvass over 1,500 doors. God brought over 85 in attendance for their first service.

We began the month of December in Mexico City with Missionary Timothy Wynne. It was very special for me to preach three different times to over 1,000 Haitian refugees, as I grew up next door to Haiti in the Dominican Republic. The Lord also allowed us to preach for a special service to over 200 teenagers on the importance of the Word of God! Many impactful decisions were made. Afterwards, the Lord allowed us to be in Thailand with Missionary Eddie Arold and his family. God gave us a unique opportunity to preach the Gospel to over 4,000 Burmese refugees in a United Nations camp, right on the border of Myanmar and Thailand. It was heartbreaking to see the Buddhist religion have such a grasp on so many lost souls, but we are praising the Lord for the power of the Gospel, as hundreds of refugees chose to place their trust in Jesus Christ for their eternal destiny!

Prayer Requests

1. We covet your prayers as we continue our deputation journey in the States for the beginning of 2024. Please pray that we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and for God to provide churches throughout our journey.
2. Our second daughter is due at the end of May. Please pray for a healthy baby and a safe delivery.
3. Our next work will be March 4 in Lima, Peru, for a Missions-Emphasis Week, and March 25 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where we will be hosting a Family Camp, led by Missionary Osmin Gutierrez, for multiple churches. We cover your prayer for the Lord to use us “For the perfecting of the saints . . . for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

Yours for souls,

Caleb Amoros
Missionary Evangelist