Andrew and Denise Long Prayer Letter: Off to a Wonderful Start in the New Year“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38)

To God be the glory; great things He hath done! We had a wonderful start to the new year. Thailand celebrated Children’s Day on the 13th of January, so we had Children’s Day at church on the 14th. What a blessed day we had, with 149 in attendance, 81 of whom were children and teens. There were several decisions made for Christ that day.

What a blessing it is to see the people growing in the Lord. One of my favorite times is at the end of the adult Sunday school hour. For review, 10 questions are asked, and a little candy is given if they get the correct answer. They get so excited trying to be the first with the correct answer. Each week, they listen earnestly so they will be able to answer the questions at the end of class.

God knows where they are. As my partner and I traveled down a dead-end road seeking someone to share the Gospel with, we did not realize that God had someone waiting for us. Almost at the end of the road, there was a young man and his grandmother who were sitting outside. We said hello and conversed with them for a little bit. Then I asked them who made the sun, moon, and stars. The young man replied, “God did.” I was surprised because it is very rare to hear that answer here. Since he had replied that God created the heavens, I asked if they knew if they would go live with God when they died. To which they replied no. I explained how that the God Who created everything gave us His Word, and in it He tells us how we can go to Heaven. They listened very intently as I shared the Scripture with them and talked about Jesus and what He had done for them. After hearing of God’s gift and what God had promised, the young man bowed his head and called upon the Lord Jesus Christ. All of this took place through an interpreter. I then asked where he would go when he died, but before the interpreter could interpret, the young man replied in English, “I will go to Heaven.” I then asked him if he understood English, and he informed me that he had understood everything I had said and that he was in his fourth year of advanced English classes in his school. He then told me that for a long time now, he had wanted to become a Christian but didn’t know how.

Joseph is steadily moving forward with the temporary housing for the orphans in India. They still have many needs, such as a good well and a water-filtration system. Please keep him and them in your prayers. He needs some big answers from God.

Please keep us in your prayers this new year as we attempt great things for God. We believe God would have us preach the Gospel in every province (state) in Thailand this year. May God bless you and your work for Him there as we work for Him here!

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!

Yours for His harvest,

Andrew & Denise Long
Romans 10:14