Sergio Robles Prayer Letter:  Nearing the End of Our FurloughOnce again we send you greetings, hoping that the Lord Jesus Christ is blessing you and giving you much wonderful peace and sufficient grace. His grace surely has been sufficient for us, and we rejoice to let you know.

We thank God that the winter is over here in the Midwest. We are looking forward to spring and also to going back to Mexico. Our furlough will end at the end of May, and we will drive over land to arrive in Mexico in the month of June. It’s a 50-hour trip to drive from Hammond, Indiana, to New Jersey and then from New Jersey to Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico.

This furlough has been rather refreshing and encouraging to continue reaching souls for Christ in Mexico and the uttermost. We have reported to the majority of our supporting churches by either being in the church personally or by sending a video of the ministry in which we had labored together. I have also visited some new churches to present our ministry. During our furlough I was able to fly to Mexico four times by myself to oversee the ministries we have started and also to take care of legal matters, such as vehicles we drive in Mexico and housing.

In my last letter, I stated about a visit to the country of Nicaragua in the month of February, where I was able to help Pastor Alejandro Cordova with preaching and teaching about soul winning. I personally led 8 people to Christ that week.

Then this month I flew to Mexico again to conduct and oversee our Annual Marriage and Family Conference. Pastor Alejandro Cordova has asked me to oversee this much important ministry of our church since 2011. The Lord has used my wife and me to start a young couples’ class, which has grown to over 120 in attendance, and also this marriage conference, which has also grown year by year to 160 couples who attended this past week for a total of 380 people.

We are also working with the legal matters to have one property transferred to our name. This property was given as a result of soul winning, and we intend to use this property to start a new ministry to preach the Gospel in a different area of the city of Celaya. Once we complete the process of having the property become legally ours, we will begin remodeling to have a decent place for the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. I am estimating that we will need about US$10000 to have this project completed. We will need to build higher walls, add a large room for a main auditorium, and other improvements for safety against theft. This property currently is occupied by a family who said they have been robbed a couple of times, and if they leave the property alone, they most likely will be vandalized again.

Recently, for the first time since my wife has been in the hospital due to the birth of our children, she was admitted to the hospital for her gallbladder. It was rather concerning, because when she was admitted to the emergency room, I was in Mexico organizing the marriage conference. Thank God, it was only this minor problem and not a problem with the appendix, which would have required surgery.

Thank you once again for praying for us and also for giving to the greatest cause I know—missions. May God continue blessing you.

For the kingdom of God,

Sergio Robles