Mike Sarver Prayer Letter: Another Sarver? Keep Reading!Peter first came to our church in July 2016. He came because he was interested in our Bible college. The day he came, I was able to lead him to Christ. Now two years later, Brother Peter is on our staff, his family is in our church, and his four oldest children are in our Christian school. What a blessing it is to work with Brother Peter on a daily basis. I thank God for him and his family. [Our families are pictured together above.]

Another Sarver?

In May, Peter bestowed upon our family a wonderful honor. He invited us to the naming ceremony for his fifth child. At birth, Ghanaians are given a name according to the day of the week they are born. (I’m Kofi – “Friday-born.” Maria is Ama – “Saturday-born.” Interestingly, my four kids are all “Wednesday-born,” so John and Ben are Kwaku; Joy and Faith are Akua.) This child was born Yaw or “Thursday-born.”

Then during the naming ceremony about a month after birth, the child’s legal name is announced. Yaw [pictured on the left] was given the name Ted Oti Frimpong Sarver – “Ted” after our pastor and team leader, Brother Ted Speer; “Oti” after a family member; and “Sarver” after me. (Our church has two Michael Sarvers, two Ted Speers, one Ted Osgood, and now a Ted Sarver! Our team is making a difference, right?!)

A Blessing to Our Church

Peter assists me with my Sunday school class. He calls our absentees and gives me the feedback. He made many trips to the hospital to help with the situation with Dennis Amponsah. (I wrote about Dennis in my last letter.) He is a soul winner. For several months, we visited the local area together, but now we each have our own area. He has brought at least 30 visitors to our church, 7 of whom still attend regularly. Just this past Sunday, Peter had an adult visitor, who was saved in Sunday school. A year ago, our church hired Brother Peter as a visitation pastor to help us follow up on visitors and our church absentees; this has strengthened our church.

Prayer Requests:

Please pray that Peter, his wife Alice, and his children (Freda, Vanessa, Gideon, Benjamin, and Ted Oti Frimpong Sarver) would continue to grow in grace. Pray also for our church, as we will host our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference August 14-17. Our guest speakers are Dr. Eddie Lapina and Dr. Dan Siemer from the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. Last year, God blessed us with over 500 delegates! And please ask God to heal Dennis Amponsah and to provide for his family.

Your servants and His,

Mike, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, and Ben Sarver