John Hays Prayer Letter: Democratic Republic of the Congo Trip“Did you hear that Mary had her baby last night?” asked Pastor Isaac, the director of Final Frontiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who works with about 1,000 villages distributing the Pure Water for All Water-Purification System, where he has reached millions for Christ. He has also started over 100 churches using the gift of pure drinking water. “I remember seeing a picture of her pregnancy in your text message,” I replied.

Another Text from Pastor Isaac:

GOOD NEWS! She is called Ruth Tchala. She has been married to her husband Raman since 2018. Since then, this couple has no children. They had done all that they could for them to have children, but there was no solution. They consulted different doctors and hospitals, but nothing. They were counseled to take traditional herbs for infections and other diseases, but there was still no solution. I met them and gave them one Pure Water Machine last year. I advised them to use it every day and in whatever water they needed to use (drinking, washing, etc.). After wasting a lot of money and time, I am so happy. Yesterday the lady called me saying that she was two months pregnant. She said that she hadn’t take anything as medicine anymore because they had spent a lot of money, and nothing was done. They just use their Pure Water Machine, using purified water for bathing and drinking water for all the family. Please pray for Ruth and the baby in her womb.

I traveled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in August 2023 and brought 50 Pure Water for All Water-Purification Systems on the plane. Batteries and solar panels were bought in country. A complete system was going to be taught and given away to representatives from 25 villages after the morning church service. I hardly digested this news before the service. I read from I Corinthians 2:1-4 on Sunday morning during the church service. I did not go there with gifts of wisdom or excellent speech but with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a demonstration of His love—the water-purification systems.

Following the morning service, the Pure Water for All systems were explained and given out. I gave a brief address to the 25 or so village representatives. I asked who’d had a baby die from bad water, and most of their hands shot up, with many confirming nods of the head. I told them that those days were over if they just treated the bad water. I then asked, “Do you want living water?” I told them how the blood of Jesus takes away their sins, just like the water that was treated had the bacteria removed. I told them they just needed to accept what Jesus had done on the Cross. Jesus arose from the dead and paid for their sins. All they had to do was just accept and ask for this precious gift to get the Living Water. The remaining systems are going out to needy villages.

This one moment from the Congo lasted four hours. More news will soon follow in a video report. “But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord . . . .” (Psalm 141:8)

His water boy,

John Hays
Pure Water for All Foundation