FBMI Updates2020-04-08T11:07:02-05:00

FBMI Updates

Mar. 17, 2020

Approach to Travel Advisories

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  1. Primarily, we serve God by serving those missionaries who associate with FBMI. In doing so, we partner with their sending pastors and churches.
  2. We also serve those who support these FBMI missionaries financially and in prayer.
  3. We are responsible to wisely inform, advise, and influence missionaries when it comes to matters of their safety. We should also help them to be wise stewards of all resources, including their lives, health, and spiritual influence.

Nature of the Concern:

  1. As Christians and as citizens of the United States, we are to submit to our authorities.
  2. The U.S. Department of State provides extensive, helpful, and necessary resources, direction, and assistance to U.S. citizens when it comes to international travel and life as an expatriate. We are very grateful for the dedicated professionals who serve in this area.
  3. The U.S. Department of State has developed an evidence-based system to advise travelers with regard to the safety of travel to specific regions, countries, and even destinations. The degree of risk is communicated by way of “travel advisories.” Their website has a section dedicated to this purpose:  https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/
  4. Travel advisories are determined by an analysis of widely differing “risk indicators.”
      a. Crime, terrorism, and civil unrest
      b. Health and natural disasters (such as we are experiencing with COVID-19)
      c. Time-limited events or others which create unique risks
      d. Kidnapping and hostage-taking
  5. There are four levels of travel advisories: (1) Exercise normal precautions, (2) Exercise increased caution, (3) Reconsider travel, and (4) Do not travel.
  6. If the travel advisory is at Level 4 (“Do not travel to ____ due to ___.”), it is of great concern.
      a. The missionary already living and ministering abroad, whose country is newly designated “Level 4,” is in the best position to evaluate the degree of risk personally and locally and to determine the wisest course of action. It might well be wiser to stay put and to avoid the increased risks of travel and even increasing risk at the destination.  FBMI will provide all possible assistance for these missionaries on the field.
      b. On the other hand, a missionary in the U.S. might feel compelled to travel to a Level 4 travel-advisory destination despite the warning. What should be FBMI’s response?

 In the Event of Proposed Travel to a Level 4 Travel-Advisory Destination:

  1. FBMI will help the missionary understand the likely consequences, should they choose to disregard the published direction of governmental authority. These include:
      a. The United States government’s resources might only be partially available, if at all, to help in time of need. Quoting a recent advisory, “The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in some areas of ____.”
      b. FBMI’s resources will only be partially available to help.

      1. i. Resources that FBMI has secured through third parties for emergency evacuation will likely not be available.
      1. ii. Communication and financial resources and services may be disrupted.
      c. Personal resources and assets of the missionaries themselves might be lost. For example, life insurance policies may be invalidated if it is determined that the person, as a U.S. citizen, went somewhere when the U.S. government told him not to travel to that destination.
      d. Finally, we recognize that the U.S. government has intelligence resources that we do not have. They quite likely make determinations with regard to safety based upon evidence and resources that they cannot disclose or mention.  There might be unforeseen hazards.
  2. FBMI will also advise the missionary that they might be acting contrary to the written Word. We are directed to submit to governmental authority when it does not conflict with higher, divine authority.  Clear divine direction should be present to travel to a level four area.
      a. Hebrews 13:17, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”
      b. I Peter 2:13-14, “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.”
  3. If the missionary determines to go to a country where his civil authority has told him not to go, then the missionary will acknowledge that he will be responsible for the consequences of his actions. He also determines to be especially prudent with regard to existing guidelines.  For example, for one Level 4 country, the State Department website says, “If you decide to travel to ____:” and then they follow it with an extensive series of recommendations. The State Department understands that all areas of the country are not under equal risk and that some travelers are much more experienced and resourced than others. FBMI will continue to provide:
      a. Ongoing services for the missionary to the extent of FBMI’s ability.
      b. Love and prayer for the missionary, his family, his church, and his spiritual ministry and influence overall.
      c. Representation of the missionary to his sending and supporting churches.
Mar. 16, 2020

Focused Update for Individuals

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As we know, the world is experiencing a public-health emergency with regard to the Coronavirus outbreak. Cases have been identified worldwide, including in 35 states in America. This virus is of greater than average concern because it’s new (meaning there’s no immunity from previous cases), so it spreads rapidly through groups of people. Those who wish to learn more may use the following link, among others, to find official Center for Disease Control (CDC) updates and guidelines: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/summary.html.
Much information and how to respond to this outbreak has already been learned. It appears that over 80% of cases of this infection result in minor illness and recovery, but just as we see with influenza, the elderly and those with chronic illnesses (cancer, diabetes, lung disease, weakened immune systems, etc.) are more likely to develop a serious infection. We should all take proper precautions to help protect these who are most vulnerable. Here is what each of us should do to help minimize the public-health effects:
1. Don’t yield to fear – “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7) – responding instead with faith in God, prayer, and wise behavior, as advised by our public-health authorities. In the United States, it is the CDC.
2. Do your best to reduce the risk of infection:

a. Avoid needless contact with those who are sick.

b. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

c. Stay home when you become sick, especially if you have a cough, shortness of breath, or a fever, since the cause of your sickness is at first uncertain.

d. If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue or your elbow, disposing of the tissue in the trash as soon as possible.

e. Clean or disinfect frequently touched public surfaces and objects.

f. Don’t use a face mask unless caring for the sick; then a mask and gloves are wise to use.

g. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after using the restroom, coughing or sneezing, or blowing your nose.

3. Respond wisely If you do get sick, for the sake of everyone:

a. Stay home unless you are seeking medical care.

b. Separate yourself from others and from animals in the home.

c. Call ahead before going to the doctor to get their instructions.

d. Wear a face mask when around others for their protection.

e. Cover coughs and sneezes and dispose of tissues, etc.

f. Don’t share personal household items like eating utensils, towels, cups, etc.

g. Continue to wash your hands often with soap and water, while continuing to clean public surfaces and objects.

h. Monitor your symptoms and seek medical care, if you get worse.

i. Continue this home isolation until those giving you medical attention give the green light to discontinue.

Our trust is in the Lord, but these simple steps will go a long way to keeping us all as healthy as possible while serving God.

Mar. 15, 2020

General Overview for Missionaries

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As you know, the world is experiencing a public-health emergency with regard to the novel (new) coronavirus outbreak that arose recently in Wuhan, China.  The picture is changing rapidly as cases are identified in new parts of the world. Please refer to the following link for the most authoritative and current updates:


It is not our place to participate in the medical response, other than to comply with the developing public- health recommendations of our medical authorities. It is wise to take effective precautions to limit and delay the spread of the infection. The CDC has prepared an excellent summary for businesses, with guidelines that are clearly helpful for churches, Christian schools, and other ministries:


Just as is the case with influenza, those who already have a chronic illness (like cancer, diabetes, lung disease, etc.) should be especially careful.  The precautions of everyone help to protect the most vulnerable.
As spiritual leaders, we keep informed and do everything possible to protect those whom we serve from undue risk. It’s wise to keep the church up-to-date as we consider opportunities to serve our respective communities spiritually. For example, people in China have been required to stay home for many days, and they’ve responded by heavily utilizing their radio, television, internet, and social media resources.

As so many are thinking about the possibility of serious illness and even death, this use of electronic sources is an open door to reach the lost. Missionaries could make resources available that clearly present the Gospel, along with contact information so those interested can then reach the missionary with any questions or requests for further materials. Digital copies of the best Gospel tracts in the local languages might be a simple solution. Multi-media presentations of the Gospel in many languages are available, or perhaps missionaries could organize a prayer ministry for those with sick family members.

Please contact your Field Service Coordinator with any questions. It looks like this situation will continue for a while, and we don’t know how serious it will become.  We look forward to working with you.

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