By selecting that you agree to this trip agreement and by participating in this trip, you agree to follow all of the requirements given by Fundamental Baptist Missions International, Inc. (FBMI), as well as to give attention to all recommendations.


While FBMI and its staff are experienced in and prepared for hosting missions trips, there are always risks when traveling abroad. It is necessary for you to acknowledge and accept these risks.

Participating in this missions trip may expose you to risk and danger, including potential sickness or loss of possessions or life. Potential risks include, but are not limited to, air and land travel, foreign government regulations and law enforcement, theft, disease, viruses, state emergencies, natural disasters, animals, etc. By selecting that you agree to this agreement and by participating in this trip, you acknowledge that you choose to personally assume full responsibility of any and all risks and that you shall not hold FBMI, First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, Inc., Hyles-Anderson College, Inc. and their extended ministries, or any of their representatives, employees, or agencies as responsible for any loss or damages experienced while on or because of this trip.


We recommend that you visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and consult your doctor to prepare physically for this trip.

You hereby give permission for such diagnostic and therapeutic procedures as may be deemed necessary for you by any medical facility. You understand that any healthcare facility will make every reasonable attempt to reach your emergency contact first, time and conditions permitting. A Medical Release Form will be sent to you after registering for the trip, and it is your responsibility to complete and submit that form prior to trip departure.


By participating in this trip, you agree to:

  • Be open and honest with the trip leaders.
  • Have an attitude of service and willingness to work.
  • Treat others with love, respect, and Christian kindness.
  • Be willing to ask for help and offer help to others.
  • Participate in all trip meetings and activities.
  • Understand that First Baptist Church and its missionaries exclusively use the King James Version of the Bible in English.
  • Have the highest level of integrity, respect, and Christian conduct toward the opposite gender.
  • Abstain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping products, and illegal drugs in any form.
  • Follow the dress code outlined below.


The FBMI trip leader can help you know what is culturally preferred in your clothing and manners. Clothes will be needed for church services, as well as for projects and activities. Clothing worn for dress, work, or outdoor activities should be appropriate for the occasion. T-shirts with inappropriate content will not be permitted. Tight, short, and revealing clothing that exposes and emphasizes the human form is never appropriate.


All men and boys should look like gentlemen. They should not wear earrings or effeminate or revealing clothing. Men and boys should have their hair trimmed above the collar and conservative in style. Public dress excludes shorts. Dress slacks are to be worn for church services.


All women and girls should look like ladies. Their style of dress should be that which is becoming to Godly servants of Christ. They should refrain from masculine clothing, including trousers. The hemline of dresses and skirts should not be above the knee. Divided skirts are acceptable for work or sports.


FBMI provides emergency-evacuation insurance during the trip, and the cost is included in the trip price. You should keep the policy card with you throughout the trip.


In this section, you, the trip registrant, are referred to as the releasor, and Fundamental Baptist Missions International, Inc. is hereinafter referred to as the releasee. For purposes of this agreement, FBMI includes First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, Inc., Hyles-Anderson College, Inc. and their extended ministries, or any of their representatives, employees, or agencies.

In consideration of the releasor’s participation in a missions trip or other endeavor conducted by the releasee, the releasor voluntarily and knowingly executes this release with the express intention of binding himself/herself, his/her spouse, legal representative, heirs and assigns, hereby expressly releases, waives, and discharges the releasee from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and executions the releasor ever had, or now has, or may have, whether known or unknown or that anyone claiming through or under him may have or claim loss or damage resulting therefrom, on account of injury or death to the releasor’s person or property, whether caused by the negligence of the releasee or by any other person or organization while the releasor is participating in any pursuit or activity upon the releasee’s behalf or whether such activity is being pursued by and on behalf of the releasor individually.

The releasor hereby assumes full responsibility for the risk of bodily injury, death, or property damage due to the negligence of the releasee or otherwise while engaging in any pursuit or activity upon behalf of the releasee or on the releasor’s own behalf. The releasor further agrees to hold harmless the releasee from any claim by himself/herself, his/her family, estate, heirs, or assigns, arising out of the releasee’s participation in this or any other activity.

The releasor expressly agrees that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Indiana, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

The releasor hereby agrees to submit to binding arbitration any matters which cannot otherwise by resolved, and expressly waives any and all rights in law and equity to bringing any civil disagreement before a court of law, except that judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.