Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter:  New Sunday School ClassesIn the month of March, we started 5 new Sunday school classes, which makes 10 classes altogether in our church. Our new teachers were so excited to be part of our Sunday school program, it started a revival! Each class consists of a teacher, a helper, and the students. As we continue to grow our church through door knocking, soul winning, and the bus routes, all of our classes will continue to grow. We want to keep each class at around 15 to 20 students maximum, so as the classes grow, we will divide them and make new classes. The people who are the helpers in each class will become the new teachers, and we will recruit new helpers for each class with the plan of eventually making them teachers. Please pray that God would bless our ministries so we can reach our city with the Gospel!

Easter Sunday was a blast in our church, Iglesia Bautista el Faro! We promoted a “Giant Easter Egg Hunt,” and we had visitors stacked upon visitors. People were knocking on the door at 7 a.m., already asking if they could come in—we don’t start our services until 10 a.m.—so we let them in and put them to work. There were several people saved and some people added to the church as a result of our laborious efforts.

Our church is getting better at achieving Big Days! In the beginning my goal was to build “big churches,” but God has taught me to dedicate my life to building “big Christians,” and we are now enjoying the blessings of working together with the leaders we have prayed for and trained in our own ministries. I am convinced that the big churches will come later.

In April we had visitors from two of our supporting churches. It was refreshing to spend time with them and to show them how God is working in the midst of our ministries. If anyone is interested, we could help you make a great missions trip. Why not consider visiting the world’s highest capital, La Paz, Bolivia?!

It is encouraging to our church to see people saved and baptized regularly and to keep training new Christians to do the same. That is where the joy is–fulfilling the Great Commission!

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We are overflowing in our church facilities. Please pray that God would provide the funds to build a structure on the side of our building to hold much larger services so we can continue to grow.

Please also pray for my wife Rebecca, as she is expecting our second child in November! God is so good!

Bro. Xavier Lopez