Xavier and Rebecca Lopez Prayer Letter: Souls Saved, Baptisms, and Prayer RequestsOur church celebrated Mother’s Day! It was our highest attendance yet, with 179 people. The church worked diligently together to help make it a very successful day. Many people brought visitors, and we saw several saved! Please pray for our visitors to come back to our church to become faithful members.

As the van came to a screeching halt, I jumped out and ran to the house to pick up a family for church. They needed a few minutes, so I waited in front of their house. Then a family slowly walked by pushing a stroller. With a grin on my face, I handed the husband an invitation and encouraged him to visit. He told me, “I have been searching for a church because we are having some family problems. Do you think you can help us?” He came to church that night and got saved! His name is Juan Pablo. He is with his family in the picture to the left, and he had just gotten baptized. Since then, he has brought 14 visitors to church. We are doing a Bible study, and he recently told me, “Thank you, because God is blessing my family.” Please pray for Juan Pablo to be faithful, and pray that he would surrender his life to God.

I was praying on a street corner with a few men from our church before going soul winning. While I was praying, someone touched my arm, so I looked up. There was a young man named Jose holding onto my arm! He began speaking with me when I realized he was blind. We were standing in his way while we were praying! I told him about our church and asked him about being saved. He eagerly listened, and he trusted the Lord as his Saviour! Please pray that Jose, in the picture to the right, would come to church, get baptized, and live his life for the Lord.

The pictures to the left are of some of our baptisms. We are seeing many people saved and baptized, and we continue to strive to see more visitors in our church! Please pray that God would send us more laborers that have initiative to help us start more bus routes, Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and soul-winning ministries.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and for believing in our family and ministry. Please pray that we would see more people saved and baptized than ever before and trained for full-time Christian service. Please pray for our marriage, our child rearing, and for God’s blessing and protection on our family. Please also pray that God would send us a revival!

Xavier Lopez