Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: A Successful Fall CampaignIt is a blessing to be able to greet you and share with you just a little bit about what God is doing here in Salvador, Brazil.

A couple of weeks ago, we wrapped up our Fall Campaign here, and we were very encouraged by what the Lord did. We had over 30 adults visit for the first time during the campaign, and just during invitations, we saw nearly 20 salvation decisions, not to mention those who made a profession during follow-up visits. A family, who began attending our church during the campaign, started spreading the word amongst friends and family about the Baptist church they had found that preaches “only the Bible.” Through them, we have had 3 other new families visit the church, two of which want to know more about our doctrine because they are looking for a church home. We thank each one of you who pray for this ministry; these are the results of your prayers.

This week, we will hold our Winter Vacation Bible School. Our prayer is that many kids will come and hear the message of God’s love, and that through that, we can reach the rest of their family members. Just within the last few weeks, we have had a couple of parents, whose kids are a part of our Saturday afternoon children’s ministry, come to church. The parents decided to come to church because they wanted to see the place where their kids were learning the Bible. This is even more encouraging to me personally because I do not head up the Saturday afternoon kids’ clubs; it is a couple in our church, and they have recruited all of the volunteers who help. It is a great thing to see Brazilians reaching and training the next generation.

Please pray that the Lord will continue to bless our outreach ministries. Also, pray for the new families that are attending; pray that the Lord will ground them here and that they will begin to grow and to get involved. I would also appreciate your prayers for an upcoming trip to Bolivia where I will be one of the speakers for the Anniversary Conference of a good friend of mine. May God continue to bless you as you serve Him. How great it is for all of us to be Gospel witnesses during these turbulent times.

Declaring His glory,

Wesley Palla
Psalm 96:3