Walter Poole Prayer Letter: Soul WinningFirst of all, we want to thank you for your prayers and support for these many years. Your investment has enabled us to preach the Gospel in Cambodia as your representatives. We know that you keep us in mind and pray informed and specific prayers.

In 2016 over 250 people heard either a portion or a full Gospel explanation. In almost every case, this explanation was on a one-to-one basis. (Others heard the Gospel in a group setting, such as church, but were not included in that count of 250.) All were challenged in some way to consider Jesus as their personal Saviour. We praise the Lord that 28 of these did pray for salvation. We are especially happy about a particular 5 children who prayed with us. Because they are our regular Sunday school students, there is much hope that they will continue on to spiritual maturity.



The small girl in this picture is named Poori. We met her at our church’s former location, where we were for more than five years. She attended our children’s program until we moved to another street. What is special about her? Her simple but unshakable faith in God. Her parents are not believers, and one little neighbor playmate told her, “Jesus is not good,” trying to get her to stop going to church. But Poori confidently said, “Jesus IS good! He went around doing good things to people!”

One time she begged my wife to come and visit her more. My wife replied by saying, “Whenever you want me to visit, just ask Jesus to tell me to come.” The other day, my wife did indeed go to visit her, and Poori said she had just prayed previously for my wife to come. Another time, Poori told us that she had seen or felt that there were some ghosts coming to bother her, but she prayed to Jesus, and they went away. Poori is only five or six, but her faith is simple and real. Please pray that her father will let her come to our new location and that she will keep that beautiful faith.


The picture of me and a man sitting on the floor shows the father of some children we know well. He does not live with the children anymore and only visits occasionally, so I had never met him. If you look carefully, you can see the picture book on the floor. This is the one I have used hundreds of times to show people the two roads, one to Heaven and one to Hell. He currently lives in a remote location with no church, and for that reason he assumed he could not get saved. I explained that Jesus was everywhere, and he could get saved that very day. He did pray with me and later left for his distant village. It is likely I will never meet him again on this earth. God arranged our meeting.


The last picture is a typical scene, which was repeated many times in 2016. I am showing the man the flyer of our church address with the Gospel message. We go to the people on the streets and inside alleys and courtyards. We knock on doors and speak with children playing outside. The first ten minutes are usually spent satisfying their curiosity about us. Then we spend more time asking them questions to try to understand their background and perspective about spiritual things. Finally, we are ready to share God’s Word. This man responded in a way that is typical of so many. He had heard of Jesus and had read some things or talked with some people, but he did not have an understanding of biblical salvation. He agreed that the “Jesus religion” was good and taught people a good way, but he did not feel any urgency to commit his life to the Saviour. He replied like many, “I will think about it.” Yet I never feel that my time is wasted. The great majority of those we meet for the first time and who decide for Christ are those who have had prior exposure. They have some basic knowledge and often have some family relations who have accepted the Gospel. One man sows, and another reaps.

In 2017, we are asking you to pray for:

• Workers to join us, whether it be nationals or fellow missionaries.
• The purchase of land and a building; we are currently looking.
• An additional preaching service in English for foreigners or Cambodians who speak English.
• The health of our family and development of our children.

Once again, we want to thank you for your investment in this ministry.

With much love,

The Poole Family
(Walter, Suni, Joseph, and Jerusha)