Scott Christiansen Prayer Letter: Steady Progress“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12) This year seems to be racing by at a faster pace, perhaps because I know I have fewer years ahead of me than behind me now. With all the events that are happening on the world scene, the Lord is telling us to work as if the end of the day is quickly approaching.

Our college continues to move along, with Bro. Daniel Williams teaching his first classes. He and his family are acclimating well, and our students enjoy the perspective and experiences he brings to their studies. I was kept busy teaching classes on Old Testament survey, the book of Romans, church administration for our young men, and time-management practices.

In February, we had our annual couples’ activity with the theme, “Still Tuned In.” Our students did a great job in decorating and enjoyed a special dating opportunity. I remember previous banquets which led to graduates who have married and are raising children and in ministry. Pray for our students to marry well.

Everyone continues to be busy in soul winning as a regular part of every week. In the first quarter, we have seen almost 200 professions of faith in our services and 88 baptisms. During our Thursday night soul winning, we have seen 664 saved in February and March. It has been encouraging to see daily reports of soul winning from those who use our soul-winning application. It is great to be in a soul-winning church!

One of our staff men, Bro. Airo, began witnessing to a high schooler who claimed to be an atheist. As weeks passed, he became convinced there is a God, trusted Christ, was baptized, and is now attending. Pray that Nathaniel will continue to let the Lord lead in his life.

On the home front, on February 18, my daughter Ruth gave birth to Joseph William Morrissey, grandchild number 19 (Mike and Ruth are serving in Dapitan, Mindanao, Philippines). My daughter-in-law, Emily Christiansen, came down with a serious infection in Nigeria and is now back in the States recovering. Please pray that she and Caleb would return to their work fully recovered.

Resurrection Sunday was well attended, with a push to have families come to get a free 8-by-10-inch group print of their family.

Our radio station continues to broadcast the Gospel, conservative Christian music, and Bible teaching 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Thank you for your faithful giving and prayers that are making a difference in this place. All of us need to make every day count, as our time to work will soon be past.

God bless you,

Scott Christiansen