Scott Christiansen Prayer Letter: New Academic Year“. . . Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.” (Colossians 4:17) We are excited and humbled by what the Lord did in our midst in the last two months.

The first week of August began a new academic year for our Bible college; we have 10 new students, giving us a total of 15 students. They have a great spirit, are excited to learn, and are busy in our ministries. I have been busy teaching classes on Malachi, Nehemiah, Followship, and Reaching Muslims for Christ.

Our church attendance has been growing, feeling like “big days” every week. It is wonderful having a crowded auditorium and full Junior Churches after two years of pandemic restrictions. We rejoice for the many visitors that have been coming, with souls saved every Sunday and 40 baptized in 2 months. Our Thursday night soul winning draws over 40 soul winners, and we usually see between 70 and 100 saved per week. Our Sunday school is also growing, and I am writing a new quarter of lessons on the life of Samuel to be taught in all levels of our classes.

September is the month every year that we emphasize missions. This year we were able to have a “normal” conference, with 7 missionary families represented. Our people were busy preparing the buildings and decorations for our theme, “Make a Difference.” The presentations and preaching were used of God, including college students who surrendered to go to foreign fields. Our Faith Promise giving reached a new high, and we took on 2 more missionary families for financial support. We now support 37 Filipino missionary families on fields all over Asia, Africa, and South America.

On the “home front,” my parents in Michigan celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary in August. In late September, Heath Christiansen, grandchild #16, was born to my son Joel and his wife Crystal in Michigan.

Just to provide you notice, I plan to make a short visit back to the States in late August to mid-September 2023. If any of my supporting churches would like me to report during this time, please contact me.

During these economically challenging times, I am especially thankful for your faithful prayers and financial support, which allow me to fulfill my ministry. I love the work God has given me to do and rejoice for the rewards God has in store for your investments in the lives influenced for Christ.

Yours for souls in the Philippines,

Scott Christiansen