Robert Wilson Prayer Letter: Where Sin Abounded . . .We invite you to rejoice with us in the great things that God has done through His humble servants here in Mexico. Since our last letter, we have had hundreds of people saved and hundreds of people baptized in our ministries. Glory to God!

“. . . where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” (Romans 5:20) Much of our evangelistic effort these past two months has been with the help of one of our young men, Juan Garcia. Juan was reached through our ministry and was saved from a life of deep sin. He is definitely a trophy of God’s grace! He has a past history of drunkenness, drug addiction, and jail time.

He is now in Bible college preparing for full-time Christian service. Juan’s powerful testimony has opened many doors to the Gospel. He has helped me get into many rehabilitation centers here in Guadalajara. We are able to preach, disciple, and baptize men in these centers. In one rehabilitation center, I was able to baptize 53 men in a single service. Please pray that these men will someday become part of our churches.

Our routes have also been producing much fruit for our churches. We take the riders home from our first church; then we turn around and start picking up people for our second church. Double running our vehicles, along with the unforgiving bad roads here, contribute to much wear and tear. Please continue to pray that we can obtain more vehicles.

I mentioned a lady named Diana in a previous letter. I compared her to the “woman at the well.” She was saved in one of our churches and immediately started inviting her family members. One of these members is the aforementioned Juan Garcia. So far, more than 40 of Diana’s family members have come to our churches, all of whom have been saved and many of whom have been baptized. What a difference one person can make!

And you, precious reader, are making a difference too! Your prayers, support, and encouragement make it possible to carry the light to precious souls like Diana, Juan, and the multitudes that have been reached who would otherwise sit in darkness. Please continue to pray for us as we represent you here in Mexico. We are praying for you.

In His service,

Robert Wilson