Robert and Anny Wilson Prayer Letter: Manifold Blessings!We invite you to rejoice with us over the manifold blessings of God! In the past 2 months, 70 people have come as visitors to our services, and 33 have made a public profession of faith in Christ. We have also had hundreds attend our street meetings, with many saved in our street services. In October, we had our Missions Conference, and many new members pledged to give to missions. Glory to God!

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor . . . .” Many of our visitors have come as a result of our open-air meetings. Every Saturday, we take several of our soul winners to a new area and spend at least an hour in the streets announcing the upcoming meeting. We meet in parks, empty lots, or soccer fields. We have had several recent meetings with over 100 people in attendance. Our young people will lead the singing, and I preach salvation. Many who have been reached through these meetings now faithfully attend our services.

“. . . and in every house . . . .” Many new visitors have also come as a result of our door-to-door soul winning. We have soul-winning programs on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. One of our ladies, Norma Lopez, has brought 15 visitors from her personal soul winning since our last letter. We have been systematically covering the streets in our area with the Gospel.

In October, we held our church Missions Conference and were greatly blessed. Many other churches came to attend with us. Our members have pledged to give more than ever before. Many of our new people pledged to participate in our Faith Promise giving. Please pray for us to continue to expand our worldwide influence.

We ask you to join us in spiritual warfare for the young people in our ministries. More than ever, the Devil has been attacking the young people God has placed under our care. We plead your prayers for these teens and young adults whom we are preparing to be future church leaders here in Mexico. Please join us as we plead for a hedge of protection around them. We are praying for you.

In His service,

Robert Wilson
Robert, Anny, Robert, Jack, & Veronica