Peter and Melody Morris Prayer Letter: An Increasing Sense of UrgencyI hope you are doing well in the Lord. These are tumultuous times, and one can’t help but think that with all that is going on around the world and how events are lining up with God’s Word, our Saviour could be coming again at any time.

With that in mind, there is an increasing sense of urgency in our ministry here in Kenya to see more people saved and churches planted and growing, both in grace and in number. To this end, we are busy in a number of areas, concentrating on teaching correct doctrine and soul winning to those who have either no understanding or have been purposefully taught bad doctrine by false teachers and their false religion.

I ask you to specifically pray for the following ministries on which we are concentrating:

Pastors Practical Training Academy

Every month, I work with pastors from upcountry, some as far as eight hours away, teaching them the truth from four curriculums, including Foundations of My Faith, ABCs of Christian Growth and ABCs of Christian Maturity, Teaching All Nations, and the ANSWERS book. This also gives each pastor teaching materials to use to teach his church people. I am pleased to say that we are seeing not only an increase in knowledge and understanding but also growth in their spiritual maturity. Bro. Brandon Heselschwerdt and Bro. Andy Richey, fellow missionaries, have been a blessing by helping me with the teaching load.

University Student Bible Study

For three hours on Saturday mornings, I am teaching a University Student Bible Study in an attempt to help these students through a very challenging and temptation-filled part of their lives by introducing them to Bible truth. These are fine, young, intelligent people who may be the ones that influence their country for good or not for good in the not-too-distant future. Many have no moral compass or knowledge of God; they need guidance and the opportunity to be taught the Word of God

Supporting a New Pastor and an Adult Sunday School Teacher

With having a fellow missionary leave Kenya and return to the USA due to medical issues, it was necessary for me to step in and help this new church both financially and pastorally. It took a little longer than expected to call a pastor and integrate him into the church. He is now doing a good job. I support him by teaching Sunday school and advise as necessary. I teach the adult Sunday school class every Sunday. Melody teaches an English class before Sunday school. Lindsay often assists with the children’s class, along with a Kenyan teacher.

Future Building Projects Upcountry

In the coming weeks, I will be traveling back upcountry to see firsthand how the pastors from upcountry are doing in their local churches. It is tiring but encouraging as well. Most of them would say that the biggest hindrance to their church growth is the need to have a permanent building. Some have temporary buildings with no doors or windows, while others are worshipping in the open. I am praying that early next year, we can start a few small building projects to help these pastors take their congregations to another level and the Gospel to their people. It is not surprising that people will invest their time and money in a church that has a brick building, as they perceive it as a sign of permanence, stability, and security. A church under the trees or a temporary structure may indicate the opposite to some.

New Website to Promote the Gospel to Individuals and Those in Remote Areas

I was recently in a non-Christian country and saw how they were using a business-type card with a QR code on it to link the recipient to a website promoting the Gospel and linking to other resources. Inspired by the potential to reach many people and transfer much information to individuals privately and in remote areas, I have commenced to set up my own website called “Let the Truth Be Known.” This is not a personal website, nor a church website, but rather it is a website focused on getting the truth to the lost that they might be saved.

On entering the website, there will be a very clear presentation of the Gospel. Amazingly enough, technology is to a stage now where anyone with a smart phone can scan the QR code and be transported to a place where they can hear the Gospel clearly. From there they will be able to go to a number of select lessons and Q&A. They will be able to link to other trusted reference sites and have a means of contact to get their questions answered, etc., thus making communication to individuals and those in remote areas easier and more effective. Please pray that the Lord gives us the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to make this work effectively. With the help of a young man named Daniel (Kenyan) who attends the same church as we do and who, I believe, the Lord has brought across my path, I believe the project should be finished by Christmas, God willing. We will then distribute thousands of cards and tracts with QR codes that can be accessed anywhere there is a smart phone. We will use our network of pastors to distribute the cards with QR codes, and we will see what the Lord will do.

As well as the above, I have those whom I have taken through the Gospel and continue to disciple. I praise the Lord for allowing us to serve.

For those who have kindly asked how our health is doing, we thank you for your concern. Melody has recently recovered from a health issue but is doing fine. Lindsay has had a couple of bouts of sickness but is doing okay. I am facing the effects of adrenal fatigue and blood pressure issues. God has been very good to us, and we are doing well in the Lord.

I would like to take this opportunity to once again say thank you for both your prayer and financial support. You, through your faithfulness, have allowed us to serve the Lord in Kenya, East Africa, where He called me over 25 years ago. It has been a blessing to have you partner with us in bringing the Gospel to this part of the world, where it is so desperately needed.

May you have a very Merry Christmas as you meditate on and celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. May the New Year bring you renewed strength and a clearer vision as you wait upon our LORD.

God bless you!

In the service of the King,

Peter, Melody, and Lindsay Morris
Missionaries to Kenya, East Africa