Paul Sock Prayer Letter:  Learning Lessons in Poland, Part IIWinter in Poland has been very snowy and sometimes cold and icy. Still we have had faithful people attending our meetings and being a help in the work of the Lord. We are planning to have several visitors this year, which will be an encouragement.

Learning Lessons in Poland

Everyone who comes to the church has a motive, and it must be understood why they are coming to the church and what they are wanting from us. Some people are truly seeking the Lord. Others are wanting contact with Americans; they want to go to the United States. They want visas, jobs, a place to stay, food, clothing, and other material aid. Unfortunately, some people have the idea that a church is a humanitarian center. Of course, the church may do some humanitarian work, but that is not the main focus of the biblical church of Jesus Christ.

Our neighbor lady often comes over to our house to borrow money. She always gives the money back after some time. I have witnessed to her over the past 15 years that we have lived here. My wife shared some pumpkin cake with her around the holidays since she noticed we had pumpkins on our porch. She mentioned that she didn’t know how to use pumpkins in cooking. She asked me if her priest could come and visit me. I accepted her request, but she later said he would not come. Pray for our neighbor lady Eva to want to be saved.

Years ago, a young woman was riding her bike, and a car hit her and injured her badly. She is now attending our meetings. She has a good understanding; in that, she knows she wants to know the Lord and live for the Lord. On the other hand, her parents are very Catholic, and since she lives with them, they demand that she put on Catholic paraphernalia. The young lady was in many other groups before coming back to our church. She went to the Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Pentecostal church, and others. This past Sunday she asked if she could donate her family home to the church in the future when her parents pass away. She really has a heart to be a blessing. Pray for this young lady to grow in the truth. Hand

My wife and I got to attend Mission Possible, an annual retreat for missionaries held in Germany in October 2018. We have attended every year for the past seven years. We spent the week with many missionaries who have served the Lord in Europe for over 30 years. This time is like a marriage retreat, revival, and vacation all wrapped up in one for missionaries. It was said to me that a large mission board reported that 90% of the missionaries in Europe are in their senior years. What a great need for the harvest.

We are grateful for your continued faithfulness. Please continue to pray for health and safety for us and for the Gospel Baptist Church to be influential in Warsaw, Poland!

More than conquerors,

Paul Sock