Mshama and Martha Kinyonga Prayer Letter: 8th Anniversary Service for Grace Baptist ChurchWe are soon ending our medical furlough out West. We head back to Tanzania on October 3. We received Sarah’s passport and were able to add her to our return flight, so we are all set. We want to thank all of you for your faithful support and understanding on why we have come back to the States for every pregnancy. You don’t want to have C-sections in Morogoro, and my wife’s sugar levels throughout her pregnancies have required her being put in the hospital every time to get them regulated. We are excited for the future in Tanzania and excited to be working together as a family and with you all. We thank God that the Lord has allowed us to travel out West and visit our supporting churches, as well as pick up some new ones. We do thank Him for His protection and provision thus far. We haven’t seen some of our churches out West in 10 or 11 years, so it was a joy to rekindle old friendships and make new ones.

Divine Appointments

We always need to be mindful of opportunities to witness. We were out in Mesa, Arizona, at a Chili’s restaurant, and our server Jocelyn was very friendly and chatty. She was a college student from Virginia, who had just started working there. Our conversation led her to ask what brought us to Arizona, which opened up a huge door to witness to her. She didn’t get saved that night, but we planted a huge seed and were able to leave her with the church tract. We pray that God will continue to grow the seed that He allowed us to plant.

We were in Reno, Nevada, helping at a Vacation Bible School with one of our supporting churches, and the pastor gave me some contacts to go visit because they spoke Swahili. So, my wife and I went to visit. Both of the contacts were refugees from Congo who came into Tanzania and then got asylum to come to the U.S. It was a blessing to be able to share what we were doing in the States and to listen to their stories as well. Both of the parents of the contacts we were given received Christ, and it truly was a joy to visit them and lead them to Christ. We told them that the Lord allowed you to go through all you have been through so you could come to the States to hear the Gospel and get saved. One of the parents actually works every day in the morning, but that day she had to go in later. God is good.

Church News/Anniversary

Grace Baptist Church in Tanzania celebrated its 8th Anniversary on August 7. There was a lot of preparation and prayer that went into it. Our men had an all-night prayer meeting. They wanted God to be involved, the Gospel to be preached freely, and things to go smoothly, etc. On that day, they had 539 in church with 1 salvation.

Even in our absence, the church folks continue to mature. We started a new Bible Club in one of our areas so that the children in Misongeni will be able to learn about the Lord every Saturday. Please pray that the Lord will use this new Bible Club for His glory. Pray for Mama Esther, the lady who is running it.


Thank you all again for your prayer and financial support. Thank you for teaming up with us as we serve in Tanzania. We are so grateful that you chose us. Please let us know if you ever have any questions or concerns with us. We are more than happy to answer your questions. Please know that we pray for you all; we pray that God will continue to bless your families and church ministries as well.

For His glory,

Mshama, Martha, Esther, Benjamin, Rachel, & Sarah Kinyonga