Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: Hearts Captured in T___ , Hearts Stirred in I___, and Hearts Breaking in M___Hearts Captured in T___

I am thrilled to be able to make our brand-new video available to our supporting churches. It is a 10-minute summary of the miraculous work God did during our 9-day conference at C___ B___ C___. For the safety of these converts, please do not share this video on social media or in any public forum. Please pray for these people as they are being discipled and continuing to grow. We saw 21 people saved and baptized; I will share first names with you next month.

Hearts Stirred in I___

M___, one of my Persian workers, has been a right-hand man to me. Each week, he works with me as a translator, reaching Persian and Afghani seekers who want to leave Islam. This week, his own sister became one of those people! He has been praying for his sister A___ to be saved for 11 YEARS, and today she joined one of our two weekly online classes. I preached the Gospel, knowing she would be present. After an hour explaining the necessity of a perfect blood sacrifice, she believed . . . and M___ was able to lead his own sister to Christ. Talk about coming unglued! Wow! What a day (9/13)! Please pray for her as M___ attempts to win her husband, who is unsaved. This is always a sensitive situation.

Hearts Breaking in M___

No doubt you have heard of the tragedy that struck M___. The death toll is approaching 3,000, and M___ (my partner in ministry there) and his wife M___ have traveled from R___ to M____ to help the few area churches that exist there. I have already sent what funds I could to help supply water, medicine, and canned foods. Many of the people are living out on the streets because the standing houses are unsafe. Next month, the cold season arrives in M___, and they will need bedding as well. As the Lord directs, any funds toward these necessities will help them immensely . . . and could prepare their hearts to receive Christ. M___ has been the hardest field we have served in the 10-40 Window. God may be preparing them through adversity.


• Funds for earthquake victims in the M___ B___ C___ (please designate as “earthquake”)
• Growth of new Persian converts in T___
• Wisdom and the mind of God, as we plan soul-winning ventures over the next 12 months
• God’s provision for operating costs for the rest of 2023

Gratefully in His service,

Missionary #6505