Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: Christmas in TaiwanWe hope that you are doing well. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support! We had a wonderful Christmas here, and we thank those who sent financial gifts, boxes, cards, emails, etc.! Thank you all so very, very much! Thank you also for the different birthday cards, emails, and well wishes!

Christmas in Taiwan was unlike anything we had ever experienced. Most people here do not come from Christian families, so any Christmas festivities or celebrations are centered around the church. The church had a Christmas Eve caroling activity, where they walked around the neighborhood near the church, sang Christmas carols, and passed out candy and tracts. It was very well attended and so enjoyable!

Then on Christmas Night, the church had a gift exchange, complete with skits, special music, etc. The church was pretty much packed. J___, whom we had met previously while out visiting and who later trusted Christ as her Saviour, came with her husband B___ and their son O___. I was able to get to know B___ a little bit. They also came on Sunday, the 26th, for the service, and we ate together at the meal afterwards, where I was able to witness to him. Thankfully, he has some Christian background, but he has not yet put his faith and trust in Christ alone. Please pray for B___’s salvation.

Thank you for your prayers for some of our neighbors. I was able to have a great conversation with one of our neighbors, B___. I was also able to help Mr. H___ with some work on his roof, and he actually thanked me for my help. I found out that his mother died when he was very young; and, frankly, he seems quite bitter. He is generally very sullen and will not even acknowledge my presence or return a greeting. Please pray for him and his wife Y___ H___, as we desire to be a good testimony to them and reflect Christ.

While out soul winning as a family this past Saturday, we went back to a productive park area, and I was able to witness to three guys, including one named D___. Then God divinely led us to a restaurant, where I was able to speak of the Gospel to two interested workers. We also met a new neighbor and his family last night while on a walk.

A saved lady, who had been praying about a church, came this past Sunday evening and brought her saved husband with her after my wife invited her while out visiting. God is working, and we are glad to be a part of it.

Thank you for praying for us! We need your prayers, and we can’t do this without folks like you. You’re the best! Keep up the great work where you are in your place of service!

In His service,

Missionary #6011