Missionary #6004 Prayer Letter: Waves of Change Across the Ocean of Our Lives“. . . I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world . . . .” (Matthew 28:20)

This great promise is a wonderful comfort when the storms of life are raging. Since my last letter, there have been many waves of change sweeping across the ocean of our lives. First and foremost is the virus that has spread across China and several parts of the world, bringing fear and panic with it, yet those who are steadfast in trusting the Lord have remained calm, levelheaded, and soul-conscious. A Chinese man I worked with has shared with me the amazing story of some Christians in Wuhan. They have put their health in the Lord’s hands and decided they must get the Gospel to those around them. They donned chemical-hazard suits and medical masks and ventured into the streets to pass out Gospel tracts. As they gave out medical masks and other articles of protection against the virus, they took the opportunity to share the tracts and the story of the Great Physician Who could heal their souls. We are praying many thousands will trust Christ as a result of these efforts.

Another wave of change is that one of our teammates has returned to America. The school he was working at for the last eight-plus years has been closed, and the teachers have been told they must leave China. We are saddened by this information but are sure that the Lord is guiding them to another place of service. Another team member is checking into possibly working in the Republic of China, Taiwan. Our family’s plans have not changed. As of this time, we still have an open door to return to the city where we worked for the five years prior to our return to raise support. The people are still eagerly awaiting our return, as we are working to raise the needed support.

Lastly, another wave of change has come with my father. He is now home on hospice care due to the ineffectiveness of the chemo treatment. I was blessed to be able to go and help them for several weeks in January. His faith is stronger than ever, and I was blessed to get to hear him praise the Lord for the blessings God has provided.

I normally give some things to pray for, but this time each of these topics is a prayer request: for souls to be saved in China, for the guidance of my teammates, and for my mom and dad to have peace, comfort, and wisdom. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Bound to His service,

Missionary #6004 and Family