Mike Sarver Prayer Letter: A Fun Prayer Letter to WriteMy father is a hard worker, a good Christian, and a great husband; and he is my hero! I am named after him; thus, my name is Ernest Michael Sarver II. May my life honor his name. Several of our brothers and sister in Christ here in Ghana have honored me by naming a child after me. I would like you to “meet” these good families:

Michael Sarver Boakye:  Back in our February 2014 prayer letter, I wrote about “Another Michael Sarver.” He was born in 2013 to Bernard and Beatrice Boakye.They have been faithful members of my Sunday school class for seven years. They have an older child named Blessing and two younger children, Wisdom and Confidence. Bernard is a soul winner and helps on the bus route. They just left my class at the end of last year to help start a new Sunday school class.

Michael Agyemang was born to Osei and Mavis Agyemang in November of 2017. Osei is a soul winner in my Sunday school class, and he helps with our church offerings on Sundays. Mavis is a graduate of our Bible college. She is our church secretary and a teacher in our teen department. She and my wife have been close friends since 2009.

Ted Oti Frimpong Sarver is the son of Peter and Alice Frimpong. I won Peter to Christ in 2016. He is now our church’s visitation pastor and assists me greatly in my Sunday school class. One of our staff men won Alice to Christ shortly after Peter got saved. She now works in our Christian school, in our church nursery, and goes soul winning with Maria on Saturdays. They have four other children: Freda, Vanessa, Gideon, and Benjamin. (This child is also named after our team leader, Pastor Ted Speer.)

Ernest Sarver received part of my name in an interesting fashion. Last January after hearing that my class member, Rita Sazor, had given birth, Peter and I went to visit her. We learned that Rita had allowed her friend Ama Pokua (also our church member) to choose this child’s name. Ama had already chosen the name Ernest. I said, “Hey, my name is Ernest too!” Ama was so pleased with that that she decided to add “Sarver” to the child’s name as well! Rita and her husband Samson are faithful members of our church.

Please pray for these families to continue to grow in grace.

Your servants and His,

Mike, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, & Ben