Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: A Day of RejoicingWe sincerely appreciate your support. We are so glad for your prayers. The fact that you have read this far into our letter is HUGE to us. You must be reading to find out what we have been up to recently, so here goes:

Holding the Fort

Our pastor and team leader, Missionary Ted Speer, is in the States for a two-month furlough. In his absence, I have been emceeing the public services and conducting the morning staff meeting. Pastor Speer gave me the opportunity to preach to and teach our church on several occasions. I preached three of the Sunday morning services, and I taught on four Wednesday nights. Pray with us that his return to Accra at the end of next week will not be delayed. We miss our pastor!

Sunday School

September was our “Visitor-Emphasis Month.” God blessed our Sunday school class, the Common Faith Adult Class, with 22 visitors in September. Our church had a program that encouraged visitors to attend Sunday school, visit an evening service, and show that they understand the Gospel. Our class had 11 complete this program; both Maria and I had visitors who completed the program. Pray for these new converts to be established firmly in the faith.

A Day of Rejoicing

Dennis Amponsah trusted Christ 3½ years ago, but soon thereafter, he was paralyzed from the waist down. This year, he has seen some small improvements in his condition, and this past Sunday, Dennis came to church for the first time. It went well, and he plans to continue coming. This was a huge step of faith for him and for his wife Safia. She and her children have been so faithful to church. Two of Safia’s visitors completed our September program, and she brought another visitor recently. I thank God for her care for Dennis. Life is very challenging for this good family. Please pray for Dennis, for his healing, and for his family. Thanks to the many who have prayed for and been a financial help to this dear family.

More New Students

This month, we are also thanking God for two more new students, Samuel and Isaac. That’s eight new students in just the past few months. Praise the Lord! The two men who joined our college this month have specifically come to us from other churches so that they can be trained to win souls to Christ. Please keep praying with us that God would continue to send forth laborers into His harvest.

Your servants and His!

Mike, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, & Ben