Micah Christiansen Prayer Letter: Neighborhood Bible Clubs!God blessed our church with a very productive Visitors’ Month in March, and many of these visitors participated in our April program, which helped visitors become faithful church members. Having your own visitor complete the program is great, but seeing someone you reached have a visitor complete the program is even better! Selena started coming to our church after Abbie and I started taking her children to church. Selena brought her sister Ama to church, and Ama completed the April program!

April was an exciting month. Our church hosted S.M.I.T.E. (Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism), which trains young people in conducting neighborhood Bible Clubs. Having a Bible Club Ministry has been a dream of mine since before we came to Ghana. I was about to take steps toward starting such a ministry when Missionary Mark Holmes in Nigeria contacted Pastor Speer about conducting a S.M.I.T.E. camp in Ghana. I was so excited—I could wait and learn from people with a lot of experience! The S.M.I.T.E. week was a great time of training for our young people . . . and for some of us older ones too! During that week, over 700 children attended one of 13 Bible Clubs, and many trusted Christ as their Saviour! Praise the Lord!

Since that time, some of our teenagers and one of our bus routes have established new Bible Clubs. Others, including myself, have continued to conduct weekly Bible Clubs, which were started during S.M.I.T.E., and we have continued to see children getting saved and coming to church. Please pray for wisdom, workers, and opportunities as we seek to expand our Bible Club Ministry.

Please continue to pray for opportunities to witness to the parents of the children coming to our church and Bible Clubs. Rose, the parent I specifically mentioned in my last letter, finally gave me the time to explain the Gospel, and she got saved! Please pray that she will now start coming to our church.

Fruit to Your Account

Collins is a young man who owns a business near my home. I had witnessed to Collins before, but I had to rush at the end, so I didn’t have time to make sure that he understood. I tried going back to see him, but he was always gone or busy. However, when I stopped by in early April, he was free. I asked him some questions, and I found that while he remembered much of what we had talked about previously, he still believed that his works would help him get to Heaven. When I started to show him a Bible verse, he stopped me . . . so that he could go gather any employees who were available! He brought back three young ladies: Eunice, Monica, and Grace. It was so fun to see Collins grasp a concept and then help explain it or try to convince one of the ladies of its truth. Eunice was obviously not very interested in what I was teaching, but Collins kept making her pay attention and answer questions. At the end, Collins clearly understood the Gospel and put his faith in Christ, and so did Monica!

Yours for souls,

Micah Christiansen

My Neighborhood Bible Club