Keith Baker Prayer Letter: Soul-Winning SeminarIt is always satisfying to complete teaching a course to our college students. At this very time, as Haiti is experiencing political commotion, it is even more rewarding. I have been able to lecture on Romans and New Testament Survey so far this semester, and Theresa has kept up her teaching in our grade school.

During Easter Break, in spite of the civil unrest, we were able, by the grace of God, to conduct a soul-winning seminar for five days in our church auditorium. I personally did not take a head count, but our persevering cooks prepared daily meals for 350 people.

On the fourth day of the seminar, I sent most of those enrolled to the streets of the surrounding areas and supplied them with tracts to put to test what they had learned during the first three days. They returned for the noon meal and reported that 15 had trusted Christ as their Saviour. Most of those who went out had never before seen anyone saved.

I’m aware in a setting as I have described, many come for the food and fellowship, but for some it was a great step of faith just to distribute tracts and to give witness of the Gospel. It was a blessing to serve and teach those young people.

Admission to our meeting was only 100 gourdes, equivalent to $1.25 in U.S. currency. This included all their meals and a workbook. If you do the math, you can see what we do with some of your generous support. Thank you for your prayers and financial investment.


Keith and Theresa