Keith and Theresa Baker Prayer Letter: Still Seeking a Place to Serve the HaitiansIn October, Theresa and I were able to survey the Haitian migration represented in Abaco, Bahamas. As stated in our last letter, we were barred from going there earlier as a result of a COVID outbreak. Abaco will be a long time recovering from Hurricane Dorian of 2019. We have an open door to return there for the month of December. A semi-retired pastor, Robin Weatherford, who has not been able to jump-start his ministry since the tempest (he had to reconstruct his building, deal with island COVID, and help care for his daughter, who has a debilitating chronic disease), has given us permission to use the church facilities to minister to the people in that vicinity, most of whom are Haitian.

Naturally, I will also use some of that time to try to discern where the Lord would have us to be planted since the country of Haiti is closed to us at this time. As reported earlier, the violence continues to escalate throughout Haiti. The country is running in a chaotic way with a fractured economy and a faltering government.

This appears to be the plight of many nations, as the United States borders are teeming with refugees, but every day is another gift to humanity, as He is not willing that anyone should perish. Three days ago, as Theresa and I were going door to door, at the last home of a three-block area, we met Milton Johnson working on his car. He admitted he did not go to church or possess a home prepared in Heaven. Starting with I John 5:13, we had the blessed privilege of leading Mr. Johnson to Christ.

Thank you very much for reading our letter and upholding us with your prayers and missions giving.


Keith and Theresa Baker