Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter:  He Is Able to Do Above All That We Ask or Think!Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support. We want to ask you to please pray for one of the families that has been so faithful to pray for us over the years. The Noonan family needs your fervent and continual prayers for their son Nate, who is battling leukemia. Our hearts are burdened for this dear family!

In March, we thank the Lord for all of those who attended a ladies’ meeting in a fellow missionary’s church. We appreciate Eduardo taking off work to drive the ladies to the meeting. The flooding this year in our area did block some of the roads. Thank the Lord for His protection!

Daniel turned eleven, and Micah turned nine in April. Daniel helps out with the sound, ushering, and cleaning. He greets everyone with a handshake and makes them feel welcome. Micah regularly visits Agusto, an elderly man who is bedridden, to pray for him. Maria has been faithful for many years and very burdened for her son. After years of faithful prayers, Rodolfo showed up on a Sunday morning with his girlfriend! We thank the Lord for the many souls that have been saved on church-wide visitation.

Please pray for Kayene, a young lady who has been faithful since she first came as an eight-year-old little girl, despite her parents moving far from the church. Recently, she brought four of her college friends. As Amy explained the Gospel to these college students, they listened intently and willingly trusted Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

In April, Amy held a ladies’ meeting in Cotia. She invited a special speaker, and they all enjoyed the teaching and time of fellowship immensely. Eduardo helped us bring several of the ladies from our Sao Paulo church out to the camp, and the ladies gave testimonies saying what a delightful time they had. We also thank the Lord for all who participated in the Resurrection services. In Cotia and Sao Paulo, the children, youth, and adults participated in a Resurrection play. We thank the Lord for the good attendance and the 3 visitors and 2 people who were saved!

Thank you for praying for and giving to the ongoing needs of the ministry. We need to hire an electrician to install electricity throughout both of the churches, nurseries, and Sunday school rooms. Thank you for praying for our safety as we commute each service from one church to the other. The car needed $500.00 worth of work recently, and we depend on it for the ministry! We covet your prayers for our safety and health as we continue pressing on!! He is able to do above and beyond what we ask or think. Please pray for us as we diligently seek to reach the lost in Brazil!!

In His service,

The Vallejo Family