Josh Hedderman Prayer Letter:  The Beginning of Our StoryWe rejoice in this season of our journey and love seeing all God is doing. This is the first joint letter that we have sent out, so before continuing, I, Josh, want to thank every single one of you who have prayed for Heather throughout these past six years. Thank you to every single one of you who has been there for her through the good times as well as the bad, in joyful days as well as through the dark times. For every moment, for every prayer, for every gift of love, I thank you. I know that what God has done with us is by no means something that started with us, but rather with the prayers of a countless multitude.

God is doing big things in Lima! Through the team, He started an institute in August, and it has been incredible watching how He is using it. There’s a fantastic spirit, and the students are excited as we teach about evangelism, music, doctrine, and ministry. Watching the heart of the people eager to learn more has been inspiring to us, even as teachers!

In our church in Chorrillos, we have seen multiple baptisms over the last month; there have been several days with four or five in a single Sunday service!! We have been teaching discipleship classes on soul winning and baptism, and the people’s response has been incredible. We are seeing people win their first soul and believers follow Christ in baptism, and we continue to have a huge influx of visitors each week! It is incredible to watch God building and growing His church on a daily basis!

This month Heather had the opportunity of traveling to Piura, a city in Northern Peru to speak at a ladies’ conference! Around 200 ladies from all over Northern Peru, and even Ecuador, attended!! The Lord really moved in a special way. She was able to be with John and Marjorie Biazzo and see their church, Iglesia Bautista de Vista Grande, and all the Lord is doing there! One of the highlights was the first day while she was helping set up. She walked by the entrance to the church, and a group of ladies began greeting her by name! They were from a church she and Daniel had gone to four years before! They remembered her and knew about her story. The following day when she was sharing about the unexpected blessings God places in our lives, she was able to share about us and how He brought us together. The room literally went up in applause as she shared His faithfulness!! It was sweet for her to see the tears turn to joy, especially on those faces of those who had prayed for her for years. God truly has been good!

I would be remiss not to share how God has moved in our own personal lives as well. Heather and I were married in Oklahoma on November 3 at her parents’ church in Oklahoma. What God did to bring us together is an incredible story, one that only He could write. Isn’t it amazing to watch Him work?! We’re looking forward to returning to Peru at the end of this month to enjoy all the Christmas activities in Lima! December is a very busy month, with plenty of opportunities to share the Gospel and host special activities for Christmas. We can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for our future together.

Thank you for your prayers for us in His story! We rejoice in His goodness and smile because of His favor!

Joyfully His,

Josh and Heather Hedderman