Jonathan Bryan Prayer Letter: The Same Yesterday, Today, and ForeverOUR PRAISES

The world is currently in such a strange and changing situation that it is a blessing to know that our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God has continued to protect our church family from the virus. We did have three suspected case in the church; but, thankfully, everyone has since recovered. Why do I say “suspected cases”? Because they charge $250 – $300 for a test. No family here has that kind of money, as many literally live daily, hand-to-mouth. So honestly, no one can afford to get tested.

Due to the virus, we have temporarily stopped the van routes for church. We were nervous, thinking members might become lax in their attendance. Our greatest surprise has been seeing the church members faithful to the church. Thankfully, we have seen only a slight falloff in attendance.


As a preacher, I want to be wise in guiding the church and ministries during this pandemic. I don’t want to let up, get cold, or back off. Please pray as we keep trying to reach people with the Gospel.

Training the believers in God’s Word is another vital part of the Great Commission. Some years back, we started a Bible institute. Well, the students have been faithful over the years, and last month, six of our students finally received their diplomas—two from our institute and four from other Bible colleges. What a great blessing for us to see! And now each of them is really looking for ways to serve the Lord.


• Please pray for wisdom for me as I make some decisions concerning how to press forward with soul winning during this difficult time.
• Please pray that God would tender the hearts of those who still desire to hold tightly to a dead religion. Pray that they will truly come to embrace faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

His servants by His grace,

Jonathan & Laura Bryan