Jonathan Bryan Prayer Letter: Praise, Plans, PrayersComing back to the States for furlough has been so encouraging. We have traveled to more than 30 states. Seeing the faithfulness of our supporting churches has really fired us up as we return to Mexico in two weeks. We enjoyed our visits with our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as spending some time with our families.

During our time up North (everything is “up North” from the Rio Grande River), we also received good reports from churches down in Mexico. Our church in Guadalupe continues to grow and prosper in our absence. What a blessing it is to know that the believers have learned not to follow a man, but instead they continue to faithfully follow the great I AM!


Returning to Mexico is now our highest priority, as we begin to say goodbye to our families and friends and this tremendously cold, cold weather. With our return, we desire to focus on two main areas. First and foremost, we want to keep striving to reach more people with the Gospel. Second, we want to start a dedicated program to train the believers to start teaching Sunday school classes and to take on the responsibility of new ministries.

Lastly, our other task will be to finish the church building. We were blessed to receive $4,000 on furlough towards our church building. We continue to fervently pray for the remaining $11,000 needed to complete the building.


Help us to pray for strength for the work we do in the name of our Lord. While there will always be obstacles along the way, we need His strength.

• Please pray for wisdom in knowing when and where to start these new ministries. There is a great desire by so many here to know God and His will in their lives, and we want to be good stewards of His calling.
• Lastly, we ask that you would help by praying for the children in our homes by name. As we provide for their physical needs, we know that their spiritual needs are even more important. Therefore, please pick one of the following names, and pray for one month for them: Rosita, Alicia, Maria, Fabis, Diana, Abi, Judith, Gaby, Leslie, Flor, Pau, Mia, Samantha, Raul, Jonas, Juanito, and Ismael. I know they will be blessed by your prayers.

His servants by His grace,

Jonathan & Laura Bryan