Jeremy and Sandra Barker Prayer Letter: God Is Opening DoorsIt’s starting to feel more like deputation. We have been able to schedule 62 meetings across 24 different states, with 17 of those being Missions Conferences. Eleven of those meetings have already taken place, with 4 of the churches taking us on for support and another 4 stating that they will take us on in the future. We are now at 11% of our goal, with a target return date of July 2025.

We recently wrapped up a Missions Conference hosted by our sending church, Roanoke Baptist Church of Roanoke, Indiana, and Pastor Mike Tarr. It was great to see family and friends again, hear powerful preaching by Bro. Bob Dewitt, and listen to an inspiring message by Bro. Ethan Donoho. Tomorrow we have a scheduled meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, with Pastor Guy Solarek, and then we are off to Bethany, Oklahoma, for a five-day Missions Conference with Pastor Allen Domelle. We will finish out the month by returning home to First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, for our Commissioning Service with our pastor, John Wilkerson.

Last week, I was soul winning with our daughter Carina (age three) and son Barrett (age two) in Oak Forest, Illinois. We were in an apartment complex when I came across Miles Bartley, a muscular young man in his mid-20s who hoped he would go to Heaven but wasn’t quite sure he would. He listened intently as I shared my testimony, as well as the Gospel. Then he chose to bow his head and accept Jesus Christ as his own personal Lord and Saviour. I was able to give his contact information to a local pastor, Bill Stedman.

Recently, my wife Sandra was going to take our children to play at a local park when Barrett asked to see what was in the bag she was taking. After she allowed him to look, he said, “We don’t have any tracts; we need some.” So, she sent him to me to get some. He ended up handing out four tracts while at the park, telling people, “I have something you want to read.” I know he doesn’t fully understand what he’s doing, but it does my heart good to hear that he’s copying what he’s seen his mother and me do (even though I don’t remember using that exact phraseology) when handing out tracts.

Please continue to pray for us as we travel. We have a lot of miles ahead of us. Please pray for the people of Nigeria, as well as all of Africa, as tensions continue to rise between most of the West African countries and Niger over an internal coup, with many countries pledging to send in their military if power is not restored.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry, and Alex Barker