James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: Busiest Six Months EverThe first 6 months of this year have been the busiest 6-month period I have ever had, as far as my foreign trips are concerned. I was able to take 4 trips to 6 different countries. As I mentioned in previous letters, in February, I was able to visit 2 cities in Nigeria and preach for 2 Nigerian pastors in their Leadership and Soul-Winning Conferences. During my stay there, I was ministering with 5 different missionaries. In April, I was able to go to Mexico and preach/teach 14 times for 2 missionaries in the city of Guadalajara. In May, I was able to take a trip visiting 3 different Central American countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. Each missionary in these 3 Central American countries has been in their respective countries from 18 to 26 years.

Prior to my trip in June, I was back in my home church for a few weeks. I have mentioned in the past that I teach a Sunday school class for French-speaking people when home. These are people primarily from either Haiti or the Congo (known as Zaire in the past and the DRC now). On a follow-up visit, I was able to visit a Haitian, Garvens Pierre, at his house. Thankfully, he allowed me to witness to him, and I was able lead Garvens to Christ. He has been coming to church faithfully for some time now. Pray that Garvens gets baptized soon. Here he is receiving a Bible for faithful attendance.

In June, Linda was able to travel with me to visit three missionaries in Canada. I was with Missionaries Brian Johnston and Brian Hebert and their families in the Toronto area. We went soul winning on the Saturday I was there, and every person I talked to was from a different country. In the Sunday services, there had to be a minimum of a dozen ethnic groups represented in the service. What a “melting pot” is the city of Toronto! We also visited London, Ontario, Canada, to be with the Powless family. It was a blessing to see them after so many years.

Back home in July, we participated in our annual Missions Conference. We had 10 missionaries and their families with us during that conference. What a time of revival as we focused on world missions. The day after our conference, we went to Indiana so I could teach in the FBMI Candidate School and Missions University. What a wonderful group of dedicated men and women we had from multiple mission boards! It was a great time of learning and fellowship.

I would appreciate your prayers for me as I, along with three other men, go to the Congo from August 11-18. This is a short survey trip to see if a church can be planted there in the future. Our church has many visitors come to the services who came from the Congo and have relatives there. Pray for our safety, for God’s power, and for souls to be saved. It is your prayers and financial support that make this ministry available to our missionaries. Thank you!

Your servant,

Missionary Evangelist James Belisle