Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter:  ChristmasWe finished our “Victory in Jesus” program in November. It went well, with the church people really getting involved in bringing visitors. We had 14 saved and 5 baptized during the program. The top man brought 24 visitors during the program. The top 5 who brought the most won a trip to Akagera Game Park.

It was really an enjoyable time with the winners at the park, as most had never gone before. We really had a great time of fellowship, especially listening to everyone scream as a big elephant charged us! I found reverse really, really fast! It was also a blessing the next Sunday when they gave testimony to the whole church about what happened.

Schoof1Our Christmas play was also a big hit. Rwandans really love to do drama! It was about a construction worker who stood up for God in spite of hard times and harassment, and in so doing, he was able to lead his coworkers to Christ. It really brought a good message in a fun way.

We are also excited about coming home on furlough in May 2015. That will make this term just short of us being here for four years without visiting the States. It was nice to have one visitor this term—my mother. The kids really enjoyed getting spoiled by Grandma!

We are making preparations for everything to run smoothly while we are gone. We are thrilled that we have Sadock, a Bible college graduate from Uganda, who will preach and run things while we are in the States. He has really proven himself in soul winning, preaching on the radio, and standing up for righteousness.

Thank you again for your regular prayers and support. This year total, we saw 161 saved, 33 professions, 7 baptized, hundreds saved through the radio, and 2 sent off to Bible college.

In His service,

Gregg, Angela, Caleb, Hannah, Timothy, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof