Gregg and Angela Schoof Prayer Letter: Revival ConferenceTime goes by very fast when you are busy! In December, I was able to take a three-day trip to Eastern Uganda and had the privilege of preaching to some pastors. As I have been preaching everywhere I visit, I preached on getting pastors to lead the families in their churches to sing and pray together every day. That is one thing my wife and I did right while raising our children.

Every day, we took just 10-15 minutes together to sing with our kids, go over a Bible verse, and then pray together before bedtime. Today, my wife and I are rejoicing that all of our children are doing great and serving God, and all of them know how to lead people to Christ. As a friend of mine says, “It works if you work it!”

While up there, I was able to deliver about 600 gigabytes of music, stories, and preaching to a good Baptist radio station. The technician was thrilled to have so much new content to work with. Also, I am planning a trip soon to visit and help, if I can, three other radio stations. One of them had his music sorted well, and then his computer crashed. He lost all of the months of sorting work he had done—which I CAN and WILL replace.

Just before Christmas, I preached at another conference in the North. I preached 3 times a day at a 3-day revival; and, YES, I lost my voice! There were people from 20 Baptist churches, and they had 500 people every night for a movie and preaching. I am rejoicing that 21 people came forward to get saved after I preached on “You’re a Dog,” taken from Matthew 15:26. And many pastors thanked me for showing them that it is okay just to preach, have boldness, and say it like it is. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

In His service,

Gregg, Angela, Caleb, Hannah, Timothy, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof