Garry and Mindy Tingson Prayer Letter: Just in Time!The work continues on at Port Macquarie! The Lord has been blessing the work this past month with new visitors. We currently have five faithful households coming to church on a regular basis. As winter approaches here in Australia, so are sicknesses. Please pray for our families that are affected.

We’re blessed to have Kerri in our church; she has been burdened for souls lately. My wife Mindy has been going out letterboxing with her recently. It’s also great to have Mrs. Anger back in town this past month. She’s a widow who was the wife of a great missionary evangelist from Australia. She has been a great asset and gets involved wherever she can (even if it’s not her forte). She is also heavily involved in our letterboxing ministry. We’re so thankful for the people God has sent our way. In May, we reached a man named Doug, who happens to be an airplane mechanic and has his own plane. He gave me the opportunity to go flying with him, and he took me for a ride around Port Macquarie and its surrounding areas. What a blessing that was! He’s been attending our discipleship class faithfully on Thursday nights.

We celebrated Isla’s first birthday in June. To celebrate this special occasion, we were able to have our church, friends, family, and also another family, whom my wife has been working on to come to our church. They were encouraged to meet our church and have expressed their interest in coming for a visit one Sunday. Please pray for this family.

My immediate goal for our church is to put a tract in every household in Port Macquarie by the end of this year. With our endeavours, we have been quickly depleting our resources. I then received a call from Lighthouse Baptist Church in Theodore, Alabama, and they expressed their desire to raise some funds during their VBS for any ministry needs we might have. I immediately thought about our tract situation. At the end of their VBS, they had raised $2,000 towards ordering more tracts for us! This came just in time. Praise the Lord!

Also in June, a preacher friend of mine, who pastors Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Albany Creek, Queensland, Australia, told me that their church would like to take us on for support! Praise the Lord! God is doing something wonderful here in Port Macquarie, and we couldn’t be a part of it without your continued prayers and support!

Your servant in Christ,

Garry Tingson