Zach Foust Prayer Letter:  Two Trips Into the AmazonWe would like to begin our prayer letter by thanking each and every one of you who take time to pray or financially support our ministry here in Peru. We count it a high honor to represent you and are privileged to be serving the Lord here. Thank you!

Our family is doing well. We have begun our school year and are surprised at how quickly our boys are growing into young men! Caleb is in his senior year of high school, and Logan has begun his freshman year. They are doing well and are a big help and blessing to us. Please continue to be in prayer for our oldest son, Zach Jr., who is in his second year at Bible college. He is doing great and making his parents proud!

Thank you for praying for our church in San Gabriel! We have seen more than 70 people come to Christ since our last letter! We are encouraged by those who have taken on the burden of sharing their faith and discipling their converts. Our Sunday school is growing as well. We have also begun a new ministry of hospital visitation and soul winning. We have been able to connect with many needy people and have seen many saved.

We have completed Levels 1 and 2 of the Foundation of My Faith Discipleship Series in Spanish. We are now using the discipleship program individually in our church, with good results. We hope to increase its use, and we ask that you pray about this. Level 3 is nearly translated as well.

We have taken two trips to the Amazon region since our last prayer letter. The first was a survey trip, and we gained some much-needed information about where more churches and missionaries are needed. Additionally, we spent a week teaching seminary classes to pastors who have not attended Bible school or needed a refresher course. We taught on personal evangelism and discipleship, as well as on how to build a Sunday school. This was a very successful week, and many pastors left encouraged and equipped to continue the Lord’s work in their villages.

Team Peru is going forward! We have been greatly encouraged by the team families who have continued to give their all for the people of Peru. Please pray for these families as we work together to advance the work of the Lord.

We have many opportunities coming up in the next few months, for which we covet your prayers:

• IBI San Gabriel Attendance Campaign – October and November
• Pastors’ Workshop in Lima – October 27-28
• Youth Conference in Iquitos (Amazon) – October 13-14
• Distribution of Hays Water Systems in disaster areas of Chiclayo, Lambayeque – October 13-18 (tentative dates)
• Day of the Dead evangelism – November 1

Again, we thank you for your prayers for our family and for our ministry.

Zach and Karin Foust
Zachary, Caleb, and Logan