Zach Foust Prayer Letter: Some Things Have Not Changed!It is nearly impossible to believe that here in Peru, we have been in quarantine since March 15—four months have flown by! We have not been able to meet as a church, nor have we been able to travel at all. Our lives are quite different than they were a year ago certainly. However, some things have not changed. The Bible still stands sure. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

God is working here in Peru! Many of God’s people have given to the work, both from the United States and from the members of our church here in San Gabriel. Even local businesses have joined in the effort to care for people in need. We have been able to be a blessing to hospital workers, providing food, water, medicines, masks, and gowns for them. We have been able to feed the needy here every single week since we have been quarantined. We have been able to provide disinfectant for hundreds of homes, medical clinics, and places of business. We give our disinfectant to people for free and then share the Gospel of Jesus with them. Our church and team workers have seen more than 100 people trust Christ just in this ministry alone. We have been able to send much-needed medicines to the jungle areas of Peru. In one case, the medicine got there just in time, and more than 30 people received lifesaving medicine.

Our workers have been faithful to win souls during this uncertain time. Many who would not listen to the Gospel before now seek us out, wanting to hear more about the Bible. We have been able to start Bible studies that meet weekly in homes and community centers. Personal discipleship is up since people have more time to devote to things of the Lord. We have been able to contribute to weekly meals given in communities around the church. One of these meals resulted in a permanent Bible study in an area called Belaunde, which now meets twice a week! Seventy-six people have been saved so far in this area! It is exciting to see God do great things way up the mountain. Even the men of the area are meeting to go through discipleship materials with the men of our church who are volunteering their time in this area. We hope to start an annex to our church in this area, as it is somewhat remote from our main location.

We have lost several pastors, friends, and two family members of our church due to COVID-19. We have a funeral this Saturday for the mother of one of our members. The member of our church was in the hospital with COVID-19 when her mother died from the same virus. Please pray that no more will become infected. Please also pray that we will be allowed to meet as a church again soon and that people will have their hearts turned to God.

We have sent out many updates, videos, and prayer requests by means of Facebook. If you have not had a chance to look at these updates, we encourage you to do so. You may search for Zach Foust, Karin Foust, Equipo Peru, or Iglesia Bautista Internacional de San Gabriel. Our services are still held online only, and our annual Pastors’ School will be held virtually as well in September.

Please pray for us. We pray for you.

His for souls,

Zach and Karin Foust